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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 151 results
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Author Title Year Price
[BROUGHTON (Dr. Arthur)]
Enchiridion Botanicum: complectens Characteres Genericos et Specificos Plantarum per Insulas Britannicas sponte nascentium: ex Linnaeo aliisque desumptos.
1782 £125.00
The Botanical Pocket-Book; with Observations on some of the Rarer Plants Growing in the Neighbourhood of Tunbridge Wells.
1840 £160.00
[DARWIN (Erasmus)]
The Botanic Garden; A Poem, in Two Parts. Part I. Containing the Economy of Vegetation. Part II. The Loves of the Plants. With Philosophical Notes.
1791 £1200.00
[DEAKIN (Richard)]
The Botanist's Manual: Comprising a Complete List of the British Flowering Plants and Ferns, divided into the Linnaean classes and orders, according to the arrangement of Sir W. J. Hooker; designed principally for the out-door convenience of botanical students and amateurs, as a book of entry for the discovery of plants or habitats, and also as a convenient pocet companion for persons engaged in collecting materials for local floras.
1836 £40.00
[GORDON (George)]
Collectanea for a Flora of Moray; or, A List of the Phaenogamous Plants and Ferns Hitherto Found within the Province.
1839 £110.00
Curiosities of Nature and Art in Husbandry and Gardening. Containing several new experiments in the Improvement of Land, Trees, Fruits, &c. And also nice and useful Observations relating to the Vegetation and Propagation of Plants; with choice Secrets to make Plants, Flowers and Fruits larger, more beautiful, and to ripen earlier than usual. With several copper cuts.
1707 £275.00
[SALISBURY (William)]
A Catalogue of the Brompton Botanic Garden, being a List of such Plants as are cultivated therein. To which is added, a List of the Subscribers. Part I. containing hardy Plants. [all published].
1803 £495.00
ABBOT (Charles)
Flora Bedfordiensis, Comprehending such Plants as Grow Wild in the County of Bedford, Arranged According to the System of Linnaeus, with Occasional Remarks.
1798 £825.00
A Students' Illustrated Irish Flora. Being a Guide to the Indigenous Seed-Plants of Ireland.
1931 £25.00
On the Culture and Curing of Madder.
1800 £95.00
BABINGTON (Charles C.)
Flora Bathoniensis: or, a Catalogue of the Plants Indigenous to the Vicinity of Bath.
1834 £50.00
BABINGTON (Charles C.)
Flora Bathoniensis: or, a Catalogue of the Plants Indigenous to the Vicinity of Bath.
1834 £38.00
BABINGTON (Charles C.)
Flora Bathoniensis: or, a Catalogue of the Plants Indigenous to the Vicinity of Bath [with:] Supplement to the Flora Bathoniensis...
1834 £85.00
BABINGTON (Charles C.)
Primitiae Florae Sarnicae; or, an Outline of the Flora of the Channel Islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Serk. Containing a catalogue of the plants indigenous to the islands: with occasional observations upon their distinctive characters, affinities, and nomenclature.
1839 £65.00
BABINGTON (Charles C.)
Flora Bathoniensis: or, a Catalogue of the Plants Indigenous to the Vicinity of Bath.
1839 £75.00
BAGNALL (James E.) & GROVE (W. B.)
The Flora of Warwickshire. The Flowering Plants, Ferns, Mosses, & Lichens. The Fungi Hymenomycetes and Gastromycetes.
1891 £45.00
BAKER (John Gilbert) & NOWELL (John)
A Supplement to Baines' Flora of Yorkshire. With a map. Part first. The flowering plants and ferns: by John Gilbert Baker, F.B.S.L. Part second. The mosses of the county: by John Nowell.
1854 £30.00
BALFOUR (John Hutton)
Introduction to the Study of Palaeontological Botany.
1872 £22.00
BALFOUR (Professor [John Hutton])
The Botanist's Companion or Directions for the use of the Microscope, and for the Collection and Preservation of Plants, with a Glossary of Botanical Terms.
1875 £45.00
A Catalogue of British Plants. Part First. Containing the Flowering Plants and Ferns.
1841 £45.00
A Lecture on the Geography of Plants.
1827 £125.00
List of Vascular Plants of Bishop's Stortford and District.
1952 £16.00
List of Species of the Flowering Plants, Ferns, Fungi, Butterflies, Moths, Birds, and Fishes Identified by the Members of the Bishop's Stortford Field Club, 1904-1906.
1907 £20.00
BRAYE (John) Editor.
Swanage (Isle of Purbeck). Its History, Resources as an Invigorating Health Resort, Botany, and Geology.
1890 £35.00
Groups of Flowers [Groups of Fruit... & Six Birds...], Drawn and Accurately Coloured after Nature, with Full Directions for the Young Artist; Designed as a Companion to the Treatise on Flower Painting.
1819 £975.00
