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Author Title Year Price
[BERNERS (Dame Juliana)]
The Gentlemans Academie. Or, The Booke of S. Albans: containing three most exact and excellent bookes: the first of hawking, the second of all the proper termes of hunting, and the last of armorie: all compiled by Iuliana Barnes, in the yere from the incarnation of Chris 1486. And now reduced into a better method, by G. M. [i.e., Gervase Markham].
1595 £14995.00
Blue-and-White Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 6 Volumes in 7. 1963. [Sold with:] Underglaze Red Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 1963. [Sold with:] Enamelled Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 3 Volumes. 1966. [Sold with:] Blue-and-White Ware of the Ch'ing Dynasty. 2 Volumes. 1968.
1963 £4995.00
[MARKHAM (Gervase)]
The Art of Archerie. Shewing how it is most necessary in these times for this kingdome, both in Peace and War, and how it may be done without charge to the Country, trouble to the People, or any hinderance to necessary Occasions. Also, of the Discipline, the Postures, an whatsoever else is necessarie for the attayning to the Art.
1634 £3445.00
[PLATTES (Gabriel)]
A Discovery of Infinite Treasure, Hidden since the Worlds Beginning. Whereunto all men, of what degree soever, are friendly invited to be sharers with the Discoverer, G. P.
1639 £3995.00
ALBIN (Eleazar)
A Natural History of Spiders, and other Curious Insects. Illustrated with Fifty three Copper Plates, Engraved by the Best Hands.
1736 £1645.00
BODONI (Giambattista)
Manuale Tipografico del Cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni.
1818 £14750.00
BUFFON (Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de)
Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon, Illustrated with above Six Hundred Copper Plates... A new edition, carefully corrected and considerably enlarged, by many additional articles, notes, and plates, and some account of the life of M. De Buffon by William Wood.
1812 £1975.00
The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine for the Drawing Room, the Studio, the Office, the Workshop, and the Cottage. 3 vols., 1843-45. [Continued under the title:] The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Journal, for the Architect, Engineer, Operative, and Artist. 22 vols., 1846-67. [Continued under the title:] The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine [later, a Journal] for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Contractor, Sanitary Reformer, and Art-Lover. 52 vols., 1868-1899. [Continued in two vols., per annum from 1880].
1843 £9775.00
A List of such Governors of Christ's-Hospital, London, As are to Present Children at Easter 1774. Note, Those Gentlemen marked thus * may, if they think proper, present Children whose Parents are not free of the City of London. And those marked + may resent Children whose Parents are both living.
1774 £495.00
CONGREVE (John Ussher)
Catalogue of the Library of John Ussher Congreve, Esq. Mount-Congreve. MDCCCXXVII.
1827 £1450.00
DAVISON (William)
New Specimen of Cast-Metal Ornaments and Wood Types, Sold by W. Davison, Alnwick.
1837 £2250.00
DESGODETZ (Anthony) & MARSHALL (George) Engraver and Translator.
The Ancient Buildings of Rome: Accurately Measured and Delineated by Anthony Desgodetz, Architect. Illustrated with One Hundred and Thirty-seven Plates; and Explanations in French and English. The Plates Engraved and the Text Translated by the late Mr. G. Marshall, Architect.
1795 £4745.00
DOLIS (Antonio de), TOWNSEND (Thomas) Tranlator.
The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Done into the English from the Original Spanish of Don Antonio de Dolis, Secretary and Historiographer to His Catholick Majesty.
1724 £1100.00
ELZEVIER (Daniel, 1626-1680)
Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliopolio Danielis Elsevirii venales extant.
1674 £6995.00
FOURNIER (Pierre-Simon, Fournier le Jeune)
Traités Historiques et Critiques, sur l'Origine et les Progrès de l'Imprimerie. [Five works in one]. Dissertation sur l'origine et les progres de l'art de graver en bois (1758); De l'origine et des productions de l'imprimerie primitive en taille de bois (1759); Observations sur un ouvrage intitule Vindiciae Typographicae (1760); Remarques sur un ouvrage intitule Lettre sur l'origine de l'imprimerie (1761); Lettre a M. Freron, au sujet de l'Edition d'une Bible annoncee pour etre la premiere production de l'Imprimerie.
1764 £2750.00
The World in Miniature: or, the Entertaining Traveller. Giving an account of every thing necessary and curious; As to Situation, Customs, Manners, Genius, Temper, Diet, Diversions, Religious and other Ceremonies; Trade, Manufactures, Arts, and Sciences; Government, Policies, Laws, Buildings; Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Plants, Drugs; Cities, Mountains, Rivers, and other Curiosities, belonging to each Country. [Vol. II] Containing America, and the Isles thereof. To which is added, an Account of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with the Isles adjacent.
1741 £950.00
HAY (David Ramsay)
The Principles of Beauty in Colouring Systematized.
1845 £595.00
HEYDEN (Hermann van der)
Speedy Help for Rich and Poor. Or, Certain physicall discourses touching the vertue of whey, in the cure of the griping flux of the belly, and of the dysentery. Of cold water, in the cure of the gout, and green-wounds. Or wine-vineger, in the preservation from, and cure of the plague, and other pestilential diseases: as also in the prevention of the hydrophobia, or dread of water, caused by the biting of a mad dog. &c. Written in Latine by Hermannus Vander Heyden, a physician of Gaunt.
1653 £1250.00
HILL (John)
A Decade of Curious Insects: some of them not describ'd before: shewn in their natural size; and as they appear enlarg'd before the Lucernal Microscope; in which the solar apparatus is artificially illuminated. With their history, characters, manners, and places of abode; on ten quarto plates, and their explanations. Drawn and engraved from nature.
1773 £1795.00
Muestras de los Punzones y Matrices de la Letra que se Funde en el Obrador de la Imprenta Real.
1799 £3945.00
KING (Daniel)
The Vale Royall of England. Or, The County Palatine of Chester Illustrated. Wherein is contained a Geographical and Historical Description of that Famous County, with all its Hundreds and Seats of the Nobility, Gentry, and Freeholders; its Rivers, Towns, Castles, Buildings Ancient and Modern. Adorned with Maps and Prospects, and the Coats of Arms belonging to every individual Family of the whole County... Also, An Excellent Discourse of the Island of Man; Treating of the Island. Of the Inhabitants. Of the State Ecclesiasticall. Of the Civil Government. Of the Trade; and, Of the Strength of the Island.
1656 £3200.00
KING (William)
A Map of a Tract of Country Surrounding Belvoir Castle; Including Extensive Districts of the Counties of Leicester, Lincoln & Nottingham; and the whole of the County of Rutland. Accurately laid down from a Survey taken in the Years 1804.5.&6. by W. King.
1806 £950.00
Fifteen Plates of Composition Ornaments, Made at Langwith Manufactory, Grantham, Lincolnshire.
1790 £11995.00
Laurie and Whittle's Catalogue of New and Interesting Prints: consisting of engravings and metzotintos, &c. of every size and price; books of architecture and ornaments; penmanship in all its branches, by the most eminent masters; drawing books of every description, from the works of the most celebrated artists in Europe; and the greatest variety of humorous and entertaining prints, for country dealers. &c. &c. &c. &c.printed and published by Robert Laurie and James Whittle, map, chart and print sellers, no. 53, Fleet-Street. (successors to the late Mr. Robert Sayer).
1795 £2750.00
Unlucky John and his Lump of Silver. A juvenile comic tale. Translated from the German into easy verse by Madame Leinstein.
1825 £195.00
LESNÉ [(Mathurin Marie)]
La Reliure, Poëme Didactique en Six Chants... Paris: Chez Lesné,1820. First edition, [6], 246pp., half-title signed by the author. [Bound with:] ----. Épitre a Thouvenin.
1823 £895.00
The Art of Drawing on Stone; Giving a Full Explanation of the Various Styles, of the Different Methods to be Employed to Ensure Success, the Modes of Correcting, as well as of the Several Causes of Failure.
1824 £1495.00
MILLER (Johann Samuel)
A Natural History of the Crinoidea, Lily-Shaped Animals; with Observations on the Genera, Asteria, Euryale, Comatula & Marsupites, Illustrated in Fifty Coloured Plates.
1821 £1195.00
London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1772.
1772 £225.00
MOLEVILLE ( Antoine François Bertrand de)
The Costume of the Hereditary States of The House of Austria, Displayed in Fifty Coloured Engravings; with Descriptions, and an Introduction by M. Bertrand de Mokeville. Translated by R. C. Dallas, Esq.
1804 £795.00
Candid Proposals to England; Being a true and compendious Description of the preferable Advantages and most beneficial Qualities of a new, easy, quick and efficacious Method of Charging and Firing with a common Musket; which, upon Trial, 'tis presumed, will evidently appear far superior to any Way of Charging now in Use.
1758 £975.00
NORDENFALK (Carlo) Introduction by.
Codex Caesareus Upsaliensis: An Echternach Gospel-Book of the Eleventh Century.
1971 £2975.00
PEPYS (Samuel)
Memoires Relating to the State of the Royal Navy of England, for Ten Years, Determin'd December 1688.
1690 £1800.00
PLAT (Sir Hugh)
The Jewel House of Art and Nature: Containing Divers Rare and Profitable Inventions, together with sundry new Experiments in the Art of Husbandry, with Divers Chimical conclusions concerning the Art of Distillation, and the rare practises and uses thereof. Faithfully an familiarly set down, according to the authours own experience. By Sir Hugh Plat of Lincolns-Inne, Knight. Whereunto is added, a rare and excellent discourse of minerals, stones, gums, and rosins; with the vertues and use thereof. By D.B. Gent.
1653 £2895.00
PLOT (Robert)
The Natural History of Oxford-Shire, Being an Essay towards the Natural History of England.
1705 £1795.00
A Collection of Swiss Costumes, in Miniature, Designed by Reinhardt. Each Plate Represents a View taken on the Spot; To which is added a Description in French and English - Collection de Costumes Suisses, d'Après les Dessins de Reinhardt.
1822 £1295.00
REPTON (Humphry)
Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening. Including some remarks on Grecian and Gothic Architecture.
1805 £7750.00
ROSS (John)
A Voyage of Discovery, made under the Orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of Exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a North-West Passage.
1819 £4400.00
ROXBURGHE CLUB. WARNER (George Frederic Warner) & WILSON (Henry Austin) Editors.
The Benedictional of Saint Æthelwold, Bishop of Winchester 963-984. Reproduced in Facsimile from the Manuscript in the Library of the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth. Edited with text and introduction by George Fredric Warner and Henry Austin Wilson.
1910 £1850.00
SAUSSURE (Horace-Bénédict de)
Voyages dans les Alpes, précédés d'un essai sur l'histoire naturelle des environs de Genève.
1780 £2750.00
SCHEFFER (Johannes)
Histoire de la Laponie, sa description, l'origine, les moeurs, la manière de vivre de ses habitants, leur religion, leur magie, & les choses rares du païs. Traduites du Latin.
1678 £1395.00
SCHIFF (Mortimer L.)
French Signed Bindings in the Mortimer L. Schiff Collection. [With:] British and Miscellaneous Signed Bindings in the Mortimer L. Schiff Collection. By Seymour de Ricci.
1935 £1595.00
Letters of Anna Seward: Written between the years 1878 and 1807.
1811 £795.00
SHASTREE (Trevangadacharya)
Essays on Chess, Adapted to the European Mode of Play; Consisting Principally of Positions or Critical Situations Calculated to Improve the Learner and Exercise the Memory.
1814 £4995.00
The Book of Bread.
1903 £1795.00
SMITH (George)
A Compleat Body of Distilling, Explaining the Mysteries of the Science, in a most easy and familiar manner; Containing an Exact and Accurate Method of making all the Compound Cordial-Waters now in Use, with a particular Account of their several Virtues. As also a directory Consisting of All the Instructions necessary for learning the distiller's art; with a Computation of the original Cost of the several Ingredients, and the Profits arising in Sale. Adapted no less to the Use of private Families, than of Apothecaries and Distillers. In two parts.
1738 £750.00
SOWERBY (James) SOWERBY (James de Carle) & SOWERBY (George Brettingham)
The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain; or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of those remains of Testaceous Animals or Shells, which have been preserved at various times and depths in the Earth.
1812 £12995.00
Original bookbinder's sample, "Specimens of Bookbinding", representing the choice on offer to prospective customers, including calf and buckram bindings, morocco title labels in contrasting colours, raised bands, gilt tooling and lettering.
1890 £595.00
TOMBE (Charles François)
Voyage aux Indes Orientales, pendant les années, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805 et 1806, contenant la description du cap de Bonne-Espérance, les îles de France, Bonaparte, Java, Banca et de la ville de Batavia; des observations sur le habians... Revu et augmenté de plusieurs notes et éclaircissemens, par M. Sonnini.
1810 £1975.00
TURNER (Captain Samuel)
An Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama, in Tibet; Containing a Narrative of a Journey through Bootan, and part of Tibet. To which is added, views taken on the spot, by Lieutenant Samuel Davis; and observations botanical, mineralogical, and medical, by Mr. Robert Saunders.
1800 £2875.00
Specimen of Modern Printing Types, by Edm. Fry & Son, Letter Founders to the King, Type Street, London.
1820 £3750.00
A Specimen of Printing Types, By Fry, Steele, and Co. Letter-Founders to the Prince of Wales, Type-Street. [Bound with:] Specimens of Metal Cast Ornaments, Curiously Adjusted to Paper, by Edmund Fry and Isaac Steele...
1794 £3250.00
Federatia Internationala de Gimnastica, Federatia Romina de Gimnastica. Bucuresti Cupa Europei Gimnastica Feminina 1957.
1957 £750.00
Systema Horti-culturæ: or, The Art of Gardening. In three books. The I. Treateth of the excellency, scituation[sic], soil, form, walks, arbours, springs, fountains, water-works, grotto's, statues, and other ornaments of gardens, with many rules, and directions, concerning the same. The II. Treateth of all sorts of trees planted for ornament of shade, winter-greens, flower-trees, and flowers, that are propagated or preserv'd in the gardens of the best florists, and the best ways and methods of raising, planting, and improving them. The III. Treateth of the kitchin garden, and of the variety of plants propagated for food, or for any culinary uses: with many general and particular rules, and instructions, for the making hot beds, altering and enriching any sort of garden ground, watering, cleansing, and adapting all sorts of earth to the various plants that are usually planted therein. To the great improvement of every sort of land, as well for use and profit, as for ornament and delight. Illustrated with sculptures, representing the form of gardens, according to the newest models.
1688 £1200.00