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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 21 results
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Author Title Year Price
ALBIN (Eleazar)
A Natural History of Spiders, and other Curious Insects. Illustrated with Fifty three Copper Plates, Engraved by the Best Hands.
1736 £1645.00
ANGER (Benjamin)
Traité Iconographique des Maladies Chirurgicales. Précédé d'une Introduction par M. Velpeau. Dessins d'après nature, par MM. Bion, Léveillé et Beau.
1865 £1200.00
[BOWER (Robert)]
An Illustrated Record of Important Events in the Annals of Europe, During the Last Four Years; Comprising a Series of Views of the Principal Places, Battles, etc. etc. etc... [Printed paper label on upper cover reads:] Illustrated Record of Important Events Through the Years 1812, 1813, 1814 & 1815. Comprising a Series of Views, Battles, &c. A History of all those Important Transactions which have taken place since the Retreat of Bonaparte from Moscow.
1816 £375.00
BROOKES (Samuel)
An Introduction to the Study of Conchology: Including Observations on the Linnaean Genera, and on the Arrangement of M. Lamarck; a Glossary, and a Table of English Names.
1815 £750.00
Groups of Flowers [Groups of Fruit... & Six Birds...], Drawn and Accurately Coloured after Nature, with Full Directions for the Young Artist; Designed as a Companion to the Treatise on Flower Painting.
1819 £975.00
Catalogue Raisonné of 18th and Early 19th Century Flower and Fruit Books and Prints.
1970 £65.00
HILER (Hilaire and Meyer) Compilers.
Bibliography of Costume. A Dictionary Catalogue of About Eight Thousand Books and Periodicals.
1967 £26.00
HILER (Hilaire and Meyer) Compilers.
Bibliography of Costume. A Dictionary Catalogue of About Eight Thousand Books and Periodicals.
1967 £40.00
HOOKER (William Jackson)
Musci Exotici; Containing Figures and Descriptions of New or Little Known Foreign Mosses and other Cryptogamic Subjects.
1818 £2200.00
LIPPERHEIDE (Franz Joseph, Freiherr von)
Katalog der Freiherrlich von Lipperheid's schen Kostumbibliothek.
1896 £145.00
LIPPERHEIDE (Franz Joseph, Freiherr von)
Katalog der Lipperheideschen Kostumbibliothek. Neubearbeitet von Evan Nienholdt und Gretel Wagner-Neumann.
1965 £225.00
MOLEVILLE ( Antoine François Bertrand de)
The Costume of the Hereditary States of The House of Austria, Displayed in Fifty Coloured Engravings; with Descriptions, and an Introduction by M. Bertrand de Mokeville. Translated by R. C. Dallas, Esq.
1804 £795.00
MUNERELLE ( Jean-Baptiste) & LEMAITRE (Augustin François)
Phénomènes et les Curiosités de la Nature.
1856 £275.00
Aquatint Engraving. A Chapter in the History of Book Illustration.
1909 £20.00
A Collection of Swiss Costumes, in Miniature, Designed by Reinhardt. Each Plate Represents a View taken on the Spot; To which is added a Description in French and English - Collection de Costumes Suisses, d'Après les Dessins de Reinhardt.
1822 £1295.00
REPTON (Humphry)
Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening. Including some remarks on Grecian and Gothic Architecture.
1805 £7750.00
ROSS (John)
A Voyage of Discovery, made under the Orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of Exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a North-West Passage.
1819 £4400.00
SITWELL (Sacheverell) BUCHANAN (Handasyde) & FISHER (James)
Fine Bird Books 1700-1900.
1953 £110.00
SITWELL (Sacheverell) BUCHANAN (Handasyde) & FISHER (James)
Fine Bird Books 1700-1900.
1953 £110.00
SWEET (Robert)
Cistineæ. The Natural Order of Cistus, or Rock-Rose; Illustrated by coloured figures and descriptions of the Distinct Species, and the most Prominent Varieties, that could be at present procured in the Gardens of Great Britain; with the best direction for their cultivation and propagation.
1825 £975.00
English Books with Coloured Plates 1790 to 1860. A Bibliographical Account of the Most Important Books Illustrated by English Artists in Colour Aquatint and Colour Lithography.
1954 £16.00