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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 243 results
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Author Title Year Price
The Oeconomy of Love. A Poetical Esssay.
1763 £50.00
[BRAMSTON (James)]
The Art of Politicks in Imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry.
1729 £35.00
[BRANDON (Isaac)]
Fragments in the manner of Sterne.
1797 £80.00
[CAMBRIDGE (Richard Owen)]
The Fakeer: a Tale. [in verse].
[CLAYTON (John)]
Friendly Advice to my Poor Neighbours; in a Series of Cottage Tales and Dialogues. By a Member of the Church of England.
1829 £50.00
[CLIVE (Caroline)]
IX poems by V: with an introduction on Mrs. Archer Clive.
1928 £45.00
[CROCKER (John Wilson)]
The Battles of Talavera. A Poem.
1809 £110.00
[CROCKER (John Wilson)]
The Battles of Talavera. A Poem.
1809 £295.00
[DANIEL (John Henry) & HENWOOD (G.)]
A Great Mine Conference. The Gwennap Bal Boys. The Prechen Cappen. The Fox outwitted by a Cock. A Legend of St. Germans. Dialogue about India, China, Railways, and Unions. The Poor Man and his Parish Church. [stories and verse].
1869 £45.00
[DARWIN (Erasmus)]
The Botanic Garden; A Poem, in Two Parts. Part I. Containing the Economy of Vegetation. Part II. The Loves of the Plants. With Philosophical Notes.
1791 £1200.00
[Davis (Ellis James)]
1875 £395.00
[DEFOE (Daniel)]
A Lay-Man's Creed, very short for the Benefit of the Poor Reader.
1713 £50.00
[D'URFEY (Thomas)]
The Progress of Honesty: or a View of a Court and City. A Pindarique Poem. By T. D.
1681 £195.00
[DWIGHT (Timothy)]
The Triumph of Infidelity: A Poem. Supposed to be Written by Timothy Dwight, D. D. of Greenfield in Connecticut, in 1788.
1791 £95.00
[FISHER (Sam)]
Sam is Sixty. 24th June, 1941. [Poetry].
1941 £25.00
Poems on Several Occasions.
1733 £75.00
[GÉNARD (François)]
The School of Man. Translated from the French. To which is prefixed, a key to the satyrical characters interspersed in this work.
1753 £65.00
The Bibliography of Robert Burns, with Biographical and Bibliographical Notes, and Sketches of Burns Clubs, Monuments and Statues.
1881 £21.00
[HAMMOND (William)]
Poems. By W. H.
1816 £295.00
Salmagundi; A Miscellaneous Combination of Original Poetry: consisting of illusions of fancy; amatory, elegiac, lyrical, epigrammatical, and other palatable ingredients.
1791 £45.00
[JAMES (George Payne Rainsford)]
Henry Masterton; or the Adventures of a Young Cavalier. By the Author of "Richelieu," "Darnley," &c.
1832 £110.00
[JAMES (George Payne Rainsford)]
Mary of Burgundy; or, the Revolt of Ghent. By the Author of "Darnley," "Richilieu," "Henry Masterton," etc.
1833 £85.00
[KING (William)
The Dreamer.
1754 £195.00
[LANGLAND (William)]
Pierce the Ploughman's Crede.
1814 £195.00
[LANGLOIS (François, Fancan Canon St. Honore)]
The Favovrites Chronicle.
1621 £630.00
