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Author Title Year Price
[SWIFT (Jonathan)]
On Poetry: A Rapsody.
1733 £695.00
[TAYLOR (Jeremy)]
A Dissuasive from Popery. To the People of England and Ireland. Together with II. Additional Letters to Persons changed in their Religion. I. The first written to a Gentlewoman newly seduced to the Church of Rome. II. The second to a Person newly converted to the Church of England. By Jeremy Lord Bishop of Down.
1686 £110.00
[WIGHT (Thomas)]
A History of the Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers in Ireland, from the year 1653 to 1700. Exhibiting their labours in the gospel, their zeal in the promotion of Christian discipline and sufferings for conscience-sake: together with the characters and spiritual experiences of some of their principal ministers and elders, and other occurrences. First compiled, at the request of their national meeting, by Thomas Wight of Cork. Now revised and enlarged. To which is added, a continuation of the same history to the year of our Lord 1751. With an introduction describing summarily the apostacy of the professors of Christianity from the primitive simplicity and purity through its several stages, and the gradual reformation from thence. And a treatise of the Christian discipline exercised among the said People. By John Rutty.
1751 £145.00
[WORDSWORTH (Christopher)
A Review of the Maynooth Endowment Bill, shewing its fatal tendencies, and of the debates in the Commons, on the first and second reading; with a proposal for the conciliation of contending parties in Ireland.
1845 £30.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
The Farmer's Letters to the People of England: containing the sentiments of a practical husbandman, on various subjects of great Importance: Particularly The Exportation of Corn. The Balance of Agriculture and Manufactures. The present State of Husbandry. The Circumstances attending large and small Farms The present state of the Poor. The Prices of Provisions. The Proceedings of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. The Importance of Timber and Planting. Emigrations to the Colonies. The Means of promoting the Agriculture and Population of Great-Britain, &c. To which are added, Sylv?: or, occasional tracts on husbandry and rural oeconomics.
1768 £175.00
A Students' Illustrated Irish Flora. Being a Guide to the Indigenous Seed-Plants of Ireland.
1931 £25.00
ANDERSON (Christopher)
Historical Sketches of the ancient Native Irish and their descendants; illustrative of their Past and Present State with regard to Literature, Education, and Oral Instruction.
1828 £75.00
The Morphology of the Omohyoid Muscle. [Offprint from the 'Dublin Journal of Medical Science', August, 1881.]
1881 £35.00
On the Culture and Curing of Madder.
1800 £95.00
BALTIMORE (Frederick Calvert) Baron
The Trial of Frederick Calvert, Esq; Baron of Baltimore [Maryland, America] in the Kingdom of Ireland, for a Rape on the Body of Sarah Woodcock; and of Eliz. Griffinburg, and Anne Harvey, otherwise Darby, as Accessories before the Fact, for procuring, aiding, and abetting him in committing the said Rape. At the Assizes held at Kingston, for the County of Surry, on Saturday the 26th of March 1768. Before..... Sir Sydney Stafford Smythe,.... Published by Permission of the Judge. Taken in Short-Hand by Joseph Gurney.
1768 £375.00
The History of John Bergan, a blind boy who was converted from the errors of Popery to true Christianity. As related by himself. With a memoir by the Rev. Thomas H. C. Finny.
1850 £75.00
BLACKER (William)
An Essay of the Improvement to be made in the Cultivation of Small Farms by the Introduction of Green Crops, and Housefeeding the Stock thereon...
1837 £50.00
BOUGEANT (Guillaume-Hyacinthe)
A Philosophical Amusement upon the Language of Beasts. Written originally in French, by Father Bougeant, a famous Jesuit; now confined at La Fleche, on Account of this Work.
1739 £195.00
BOYLE (Roger, Bishop of Clogher)
Summa Theologie Christianae. Authore Rogero Boyle episcopo clogherensi.
1681 £295.00
A Catalogue of the Bradshaw Collection of Irish Books in the University Library, Cambridge.
1916 £345.00
BREWSTER (Sir Francis)
New Essays on Trade, wherein the present State of our Trade, it's Great Decay in the Chief Branches of it, and the Fatal Consequence thereof to the Nation (unless timely Remedy'd) is considered, under the most Important Heads of Trade and Navigation.
1702 £475.00
BROWN (Stephen J.)
Ireland in Fiction. A Guide to Irish Novels, Tales, Romances, and Folk-Lore.
1919 £19.00
Flora of the County Wicklow: Flowering Plants, Higher Cryptogams and Characeæ.
1950 £60.00
[BURNET (Sir Thomas)]
A Second Tale of a Tub: or, The History of Robert Powel the Puppet-Show-Man.
1715 £375.00
CANNING (George)
Substance of the Speech of the Right Hon. George Canning, on Lord Morpeth's Motion for a Committee on the State of Ireland.
1812 £50.00
COLBY (Colonel T. F.)
Ordnance Survey of the County of Londonderry. Volume the First [all published].
1837 £185.00
COLGAN (Nathaniel)
Flora of the County Dublin: Flowering Plants, Higher Cryptograms, and Characeæ.
1904 £325.00
COLLINS (Mortimer)
Idyls and Rhymes.
1845 £125.00
CONGREVE (John Ussher)
Catalogue of the Library of John Ussher Congreve, Esq. Mount-Congreve. MDCCCXXVII.
1827 £1450.00
CRAIG (Maurice)
Irish Bookbindings. The Irish Heritage Series: 6.
1976 £10.00

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