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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 79 results
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Author Title Year Price
[AIKIN (John) & BARBAULD (Anna Laetitia, Aikin)]
Evenings at Home; or, the Juvenile Budget Opened. Consisting of a Variety of Miscellaneous Pieces, for the Intruction and Amusement of Young Persons.
1794 £295.00
[AIKIN (John) & BARBAULD (Anna Laetitia, Aikin)]
Evenings at Home; or, the Juvenile Budget Opened. Consisting of a Variety of Miscellaneous Pieces, for the Intruction and Amusement of Young Persons.
1794 £225.00
[BERQUIN (Arnaud)]
The Looking-Glass for the Mind; or, Intellectual Mirror Being an Elegant Collection of the Most Delightul Little Stories and Interesting Tales Chiefly Translated from That Much Admired Work L'Ami Des Enfans. With seventy-four cuts, designed and engraved on wood, by I. Bewick.
1817 £45.00
[BUDDEN (Maria Elizabeth)]
A Key to Knowledge; or, Things in Common Use. Simply and shortly explained in a series of dialogues. Written by a mother.
1817 £75.00
[CLAYTON (John)]
Friendly Advice to my Poor Neighbours; in a Series of Cottage Tales and Dialogues. By a Member of the Church of England.
1829 £50.00
[DORSET (Catherine Ann Turner)]
The Peacock "At Home." By a Lady. And Butterfly's Ball; an Original Poem. By Mr. Roscoe.
1831 £85.00
[DORSET (Catherine Ann)]
The Peacock "At Home," by a Lady. To which is added the Butterfly's Ball; an Original Poem by Mr. [William] Roscoe.
1822 £175.00
[FIELDING (Sarah)]
The Governess; or, the Little Female Academy. Calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education.
1768 £295.00
The Amusing Instructor, or, Tales and fables in prose and verse, for the improvement of youth: with useful and pleasing remarks on different branches of science... adorned with cuts.
1777 £375.00
[LAMB (Mary & Charles)]
Mrs. Leicester's School: or, the History of Several Young Ladies, Relayed by Themselves.
1809 £265.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Cheapside Apprentice; or, The history of Mr. Francis H****. Fully setting forth the danger of playing with edge-tools; shewing also, how a gay life may prove a short one; and that a merry evening may produce a sorrowful morning.
1805 £35.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The General Resurrection, and Day of Judgment: being a description, taken from scripture, of some of the events which will come to pass at the end of the world.
1810 £25.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The Grave-Stone: The Lady and the Pye: or, know thyself; The Plum-cakes; or, the farmer and his three sons.
1805 £35.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The Happy Waterman, to which is added, A Hymn of Praise, for an Abundant Harvest.
1805 £35.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The History of Charles Jones, The Footman.
1805 £35.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The History of Diligent Dick; or, Truth will Out, though it be hid in a Well.
1805 £35.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Patient Joe: Wild Robert: Dan and Jane: and the Gin-Shop.
1801 £30.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The Pilgrims: an Allegory.
1805 £32.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Sorrowful Sam; or, the Two Blacksmiths.
1805 £28.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Sunday Reading. A New Christmas Tract; or, The right way of rejoicing at Christmas : shewing the reasons we have for joy at the event of our Saviour's birth : in which also a description is given of the dreadful state the world was in before his coming : with some remarks suited to the times in which we live.
1805 £30.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Sunday Reading. Fall of Adam, our First Parent: with some account of the creation of the world : shewing the happy state of man in Paradise, and also the sin and misery which have entered since the fall : to which are added some remarks respecting our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the second Adam, and the only Saviour of this world.
1805 £25.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Sunday Reading. Look at Home; or, the Accusers Accused: being an account of the manner in which our Saviour put to silence the scribes and Pharisees, when they brought to him the woman taken in adultery.
1805 £25.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Sunday Reading. Noah's Flood.
1805 £25.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Sunday Reading. On the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
1805 £25.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Sunday Reading. The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle.
1805 £25.00
