Author |
Title |
Year |
Price |
BECKFORD (William)
The Valuable Library of Books, in Fonthill Abbey. A Catalogue of the Magnificent, Rare, and Valuable Library, (of 20,000 Volumes)... also of the Books of Prints, Galleries of Art, Curious Missals and Manuscripts, the Persian and Chinese Drawings, &c... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Phillips, at the Abbey, on Tuesday the 9th of September, 1823, and Nine Following Days, on Friday the 3d of October, & Four Following Days, and on... 23d October... & Four Following Days, etc. [The Unique and Splendid Effects of Fonthill Abbey. Catalogue of the Extensive Assemblage of Costly and Interesting Property, which Adorns this Magnificent Structure; Embracing Part of the Furniture; the Bijouterie... the Matchless Collection of Raised Gold Japan, and... the Rare Oriental, Japan & Sevres China... Which will be Sold... on... the 23d of September... and Seven Following Days, and on... 16th of October, and Four Following Days, etc. - The Second Part of Books and Books of Prints. - The Pictures and Miniatures at Fonthill Abbey. Catalogue of this Well-selected and Valuable Collection of Gallery and Cabinet Paintings, Miniatures and Drawings... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Phillips, on... the 10th of October... and on... October 14 and 15, 1823. - The Second Part of the Unique and Splendid Effects. - The Third Part of Books and Books of Prints.
1823 |
£650.00 |
Catalogue of the Library at Belvoir Castle, the Seat of the Duke of Rutland.
1827 |
£1145.00 |
Bibliothèque de Mme Sarah Bernhardt. Première [-Deuxième] Partie. Livres Anciens. — Théatre Piéces du Repertoire du Mme Sarah Bernhardt...
1923 |
£45.00 |
Livres Anciens et Modernes. Provenant de la Succession de M. Albert Besombes...
1936 |
£14.00 |
BIDOIRE (Pierre)
Catalogue de Très Beaux Livres de XVe au XIXe Siecles... Manuscrits, Incunables, Classiques, Livres Illustres... Leon Andre Commissaire-Priseur.
1927 |
£18.00 |
Catalogue des Livres Illustres du XVIIIe Siecle. Editions Originales de Grands Classiques Francais Riches Reliures Armoriees et Autographes Anciens.
1932 |
£26.00 |
Catalogue of Hindustani Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum.
1889 |
£16.00 |
[BÉNARD (Marcel)]
Catalogue de Livres et Curiuex Anciens et Modernes Composant la Bibliothèque de M. M. B***.
1925 |
£24.00 |
BOARDMAN (The Rev. C.) Compiler.
A Catalogue of Books Printed either in Gothic Letter or before the Year 1551, Forming Part of the Library of Stonyhurst College.
1862 |
£22.00 |
BONAPARTE (Prince Louis-Lucien). COLLINS (Victor)
Attempt at a Catalogue of the Library of the Late Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte.
1894 |
£375.00 |
BONAPARTE (Prince Louis-Lucien). COLLINS (Victor)
Attempt at a Catalogue of the Library of the Late Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte.
1894 |
£395.00 |
BONAPARTE (Prince Ludovic-Lucian)
Catalogue des Ouvrages de Linguistique Européenne Édités par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. [London: Privately Printed by George Barclay, 1858]. Square 12mo (115 x 90 mm), 32ff. printed on recto only, limited to 250 copies, neat blind-stamp to title page, gilt rolled turn-ins, cont. black morocco, tooled in gilt and blind, minor rubbing. [Sold with:] Deuxième Catalogue des Ouvrages Destinés à Faciliter l'Étude Comparative des Langues Européennes, Éités par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. [London: Privately Printed by Strangeways & Walden], 1862. Square 12mo (120 x 95 mm), 110ff. printed on recto only, limited to 250 copies, neat blind-stamp to half-title, gilt rolled turn-ins, cont. black morocco, tooled in gilt and blind, minor rubbing. [Sold with:] Ouvrages Publiés par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte dans le Courrant de l'Année 1864. [London: Privately Printed by Strangeways & Walden, 1864.] 8vo (185 x 125 mm), 4pp., folded, with short tears to fold. [Sold with:] Ouvrages Publiés par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte dans le Courrant de l'Année 1865 et 1866.
1862 |
£950.00 |
BONAR (James) Editor.
A Catalogue of the Library of the Library of Adam Smith. Author of the 'Moral Sentiments' and 'The Wealth of Nations'.
1894 |
£35.00 |
BOND (Edward)
A Catalogue of Books Selected from the Extensive and Valuable Library...
1921 |
£9.00 |
Catalogue of a Collection of Highly Valuable Books, Including a Portion of the Library of a Nobleman, Comprising Books of Prints, Natural History, Fine Arts, Architecture, Engineering, & the Sciences... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson... On Wednesday, December 5th, 1866.
1866 |
£17.00 |
A Catalogue of Valuable New and Second-Hand Books, English and Foreign, in all Classes of Literature and the Fine Arts, also, Early Printed Books, Manuscripts, Etc. On Sale at Very Reasonable Prices by Willis and Sotheran.
1859 |
£20.00 |
A Catalogue of Leading Books on Egypt and Egyptology, and on Assyria and Assyriology, to be had at the Affixed Prices, of Trübner & Co.
1881 |
£21.00 |
New Publications, Printed for T.N. Longman and O. Rees, No 39, Paternoster-Row, London.
1180 |
£24.00 |
BORDEAUX (Henry Bordes de)
Catalogue de Livres Rares et Precieux... 21-22 mars 1902.
1902 |
£17.00 |
BOYNE (William)
The Yorkshire Library. A Bibliographical Account of Books on Topography, Tracts of the Seventeenth Century, Biography, Spaws, Geology, Botany, Maps, Views, Portraits, and Miscellaneous Literature, Relating to the County of York. With Collations and Notes on the Books and Authors. With Collations and Notes on the Books and Authors.
1869 |
£175.00 |
BRESLAUER (Bernard H.)
Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
2005 |
£40.00 |
BRESLAUER (Bernard H.)
Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
2005 |
£35.00 |
BRESLAUER (Bernard H.)
Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
2005 |
£45.00 |
BRESLAUER (Bernard H.)
Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
2005 |
£35.00 |
Librorum Impressorum qui in Museo Britannico Adservantur Catalogus. [Edited by Sir Henry Ellis and H.H. Baber].
1813 |
£95.00 |