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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
[AMUSSAT (Jean Zulima)]
Grenouillette: incision, introduction d'un petit morceau d'éponge, guérison.
1853 £25.00
[ANDREE (John)]
An Account of the Tilbury Water. Containing, a narrative of the discovery of the medicinal qualities of this spring, experiments on the water, observations on the experiments, the vertues of the water interspers'd with various cases, the manner of drinking it; and lastly several remarkable cures.
1740 £135.00
[ATKYNS (Arabella)] pseudonym.
The Family Magazine: in Two Parts. Part I. Containing Useful Directions in all the Branches of House-Keeping and Cookery. Particularly Shewing How to Buy-it the Best of all Sorts of Provisions; as Poultry-Ware, Butchers-Meat, Fish, Fruit, &c. With several Hundred Receipts in Cookery, Pastry, Pickling, Confectionary, Distilling, Brewing, Cosmeticks, &c. Together with the Art of making English Wines, &c. Part II. Containing a Compendious Body of Physick; Succinctly Treating of all the Diseases and Accidents Incident to Men, Women, and Children: with Practical Rules and Directions for the Preserving and Restoring of Health, and Prolonging of Life...
1741 £395.00
[BRILLAT SAVARIN (Jean-Anthelme)]
Physiologie du Gout ou Méditations de gastronomie transcendante; ouvrage théorique, historique et à l'ordre du jour, dédié aux gastronomes parisiens par un professeur membre de plusieurs sociétés savantes.
1838 £45.00
[FERGUSON (George)]
Has Marischal College, in New Aberdeen, the Power of Conferring Degrees in Divinity, Laws, and Medicine.
1850 £30.00
A Short Comparative View of the Practice of Surgery in the French Hospitals: with some remarks on the study of anatomy and midwifery. The whole endeavouring to prove, that the advantages to students... are greater at London, than at Paris.
1750 £195.00
[KITCHINER (William)]
Apicius Redivivus. The Cook's Oracle: containing practical receipts. For roasting, boiling, frying... &c, &c, on the most economical plan for private families; also, the art of composing the most simple, and most highly finished broths, gravies, soups, sauces, and flavoring essences: the quantity of each article being accurately stated by weight or measure... The result of actual experiments made in the kitchen of a physician, for the purpose of composing a culinary code for the rational epicure.
1818 £225.00
[LASSONE (Joseph-Marie-Franois de)]
An Account of the Tenia [or Long Tape Worm], and Method of Treating it.
1778 £85.00
[LETTSOM (John Coakley)]
Observations on the Plan Proposed for Establishing "A Dispensary & Medical Society For the private and only immediate Use of the Subscribers, their Families, and Friends."
1779 £195.00
[PERRY (Sampson)]
A Disquisition of the Stone and Gravel, and other Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, &c... By Wm. Adams, Surgeon, London.
1772 £245.00
[ROBINSON (Nicholas)]
A Treatise on the Virtues and Efficacy of a Crust of Bread, Eat early in a Morning Fasting: to which are added, some particular remarks concerning great Cures accomplished by the Saliva, or Fasting-Spittle, as well when externally applied, as when internally given, in the Scurvy, Gravel, Stone, Rheumatism, and divers other diseases, arising from obstructions. By A Physician.
1763 £245.00
[SHARP (William)]
An Account of a New Method of Treating Fractured Legs. Read before the Royal Society of London. To which is prefixed a Letter on that Subject to James Parsons, M.D., a Member of that respectable Society, dated November 6, 1766.
1767 £150.00
[SONYER DU LAC (Dionisius Augustinus)]
Dissertatio phisiologica de secretione bilis et ejus in corpore humano effectibus...
1747 £45.00
Lectures on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Eye and Ear. By Mr. Stevenson, Oculist and Aurist to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, &c.
1820 £175.00
[THOMAS (Hugh Owen)]
Contributions to Surgery and Medicine. Part I. Intestinal Disease and Obstruction.
1883 £225.00
[TISSOT (Samuel Auguste David), translated by J. Kirkpatrick].
Advice to the People in General, with Regard to their Health: but particularly calculated for those, who are the most unlikely to be provided in time with the best assistance, in acute Diseases, or upon any sudden inward or outward Accident. With A Table of the most cheap, yet effectual Remedies, and the plainest Directions for preparing them readily. Translated from the French Edition of Dr. Tissot's Avis au peuple, &c. Printed at Lyons; with all the Notes in the two former English Editions, and a few additional ones. By J. Kirkpatrick, M.D. With some further additional Notes and Prescriptions, and with the former Appendix.
1771 £125.00
[WEBSTER (Charles)]
Facts, Tending to show the Connection of the Stomach with Life, Disease, and Recovery.
1793 £110.00
Pasteur Institute. Mansion House Fund.
1889 £45.00
Pathological and Practical Researches on Diseases of the Brain and the Spinal Cord.
1829 £150.00
ACLAND (Henry W.)
The Influence of Social and Sanitary Conditions of Religion: A paper read by desire at the church congress at Brighton, Oct. 9, 1874.
1874 £25.00
ACLAND (Sir Henry Wentworth)
Faith and Knowledge.
1873 £20.00
ADAMS (George)
An Essay on Vision, Briefly explaining the Fabric of the Eye and he Nature of Vision. Intended for the service of those whose eyes are weak or impaired: Enabling them to form an accurate idea of the true state of their sight, the means of preserving it, together with proper rules for ascertaining when spectacles are necessary, and how to choose them without injuring the sight.
1792 £225.00
AITKEN (William)
Cases and Observations Illustrating Inflammatory Effusions into the Substance of the Lungs, Particularly as Modified by Contagious Fevers.
1848 £45.00
Lithotomy Simplified, or, a new method of operating for stone in the bladder, to which is appended an interesting and unique case of caesarian section.
1854 £75.00
ALLEY (George)
Observations on the Hydrargyria; or that Vesicular Disease arising from the Exhibition of Mercury.
1810 £275.00
