Author |
Title |
Year |
Price |
[DEAKIN (Richard)]
The Botanist's Manual: Comprising a Complete List of the British Flowering Plants and Ferns, divided into the Linnaean classes and orders, according to the arrangement of Sir W. J. Hooker; designed principally for the out-door convenience of botanical students and amateurs, as a book of entry for the discovery of plants or habitats, and also as a convenient pocet companion for persons engaged in collecting materials for local floras.
1836 |
£40.00 |
[GORDON (George)]
Collectanea for a Flora of Moray; or, A List of the Phaenogamous Plants and Ferns Hitherto Found within the Province.
1839 |
£110.00 |
[SALISBURY (William)]
A Catalogue of the Brompton Botanic Garden, being a List of such Plants as are cultivated therein. To which is added, a List of the Subscribers. Part I. containing hardy Plants. [all published].
1803 |
£495.00 |
A Students' Illustrated Irish Flora. Being a Guide to the Indigenous Seed-Plants of Ireland.
1931 |
£25.00 |
ADAMS (Lionel E.)
A Plea for Owls and Kestrels. [Offprint from the Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society, June, 1898].
1908 |
£10.00 |
ALBIN (Eleazar)
A Natural History of Spiders, and other Curious Insects. Illustrated with Fifty three Copper Plates, Engraved by the Best Hands.
1736 |
£1645.00 |
BABINGTON (Charles C.)
Primitiae Florae Sarnicae; or, an Outline of the Flora of the Channel Islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Serk. Containing a catalogue of the plants indigenous to the islands: with occasional observations upon their distinctive characters, affinities, and nomenclature.
1839 |
£65.00 |
BADHAM (Charles David)
A Treatise on the Esculent Funguses of England, containing an Account of their Classical History, uses, characters, development, structure, nutritious properties, modes of cooking and preserving, &c.
1847 |
£48.00 |
BALFOUR (John Hutton)
Introduction to the Study of Palaeontological Botany.
1872 |
£22.00 |
BALFOUR (Professor [John Hutton])
The Botanist's Companion or Directions for the use of the Microscope, and for the Collection and Preservation of Plants, with a Glossary of Botanical Terms.
1875 |
£45.00 |
A Catalogue of British Plants. Part First. Containing the Flowering Plants and Ferns.
1841 |
£45.00 |
A Lecture on the Geography of Plants.
1827 |
£125.00 |
The Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Ilfracombe and District. Supplementary List. [Offprint from The Journal of Conchology].
1904 |
£10.00 |
Animal Life. In Story and Picture with special reference to Ceylon.
1941 |
£20.00 |
The Mammalia: Extinct Species and Surviving Forms. [From "Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science".]
1889 |
£15.00 |
Double Entry Elucidated. Calcutta: Printed at the Eastern Press, by P. M. Cranenburgh & J. M. Gomes, No. 179, Bow Bazar Street, 1866. First edition, 16pp., contemporary ownership stamp on upper blank margin of title "A. Phillips, 11A, Dr. Sudir Basu Rd, CAL-23.", text age-toned. [Bound with] The Physical Varieties of Man.
1866 |
£125.00 |
Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History).
1991 |
£225.00 |
Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History).
1903 |
£175.00 |
BROOKES (Samuel)
An Introduction to the Study of Conchology: Including Observations on the Linnaean Genera, and on the Arrangement of M. Lamarck; a Glossary, and a Table of English Names.
1815 |
£750.00 |
BROWN (F. Martin) & HEINEMAN (Bernard)
Jamaica and its Butterflies.
1972 |
£25.00 |
Flora of the County Wicklow: Flowering Plants, Higher Cryptogams and Characeæ.
1950 |
£60.00 |
BRYANT (Charles)
Flora Diaetetica: or, history of esculent plants, both domestic and foreign. In which they are accurately described, and reduced to their Linnaean Generic and Specific Names. With Their English Names annexed, and ranged under Eleven General Heads, Viz. Esculent, 1 Roots, 2 Shoots, Stalks, etc. 3. Leaves, 4 Flowers, 5 Berries, 6 Stone-fruit, 7 Apples, 8 Legumens, 9 Grain, 10 Nuts, 11 Funguses. And A particular Account of the Manner of using them; their native Places of Growth; their several Varieties, and physical Properties: Together with whatever is otherwise curious, or very remarkable in each Species. The whole so methodized, as to form a short Introduction to the Science of Botany.
1783 |
£195.00 |
BUFFON (Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de)
Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon, Illustrated with above Six Hundred Copper Plates... A new edition, carefully corrected and considerably enlarged, by many additional articles, notes, and plates, and some account of the life of M. De Buffon by William Wood.
1812 |
£1975.00 |
CATO (Marcus Porcius) and others.
Methodus Rustica Catonis atq. Varronis. Praeceptis aphoristicis per Locos communes digestis a Theodoro Zwingero typice delineata & illustrata.
1576 |
£575.00 |
Britannia Baconica: or, the Natural Rarities of England, Scotland, & Wales. According as they are to be found in every shire. Historically related, according to the precepts of the Lord Bacon; methodically digested; and the causes of many of them philosophically attempted. With observations upon them, and deductions from them, whereby divers secrets in nature are discovered, and some things hitherto reckoned prodigies, are fain to confess the cause whence they proceed. Usefull for all ingenious men for all of what profession or quality soever.
1662 |
£345.00 |