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Author Title Year Price
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
The Farmer's Letters to the People of England: containing the sentiments of a practical husbandman, on various subjects of great Importance: Particularly The Exportation of Corn. The Balance of Agriculture and Manufactures. The present State of Husbandry. The Circumstances attending large and small Farms The present state of the Poor. The Prices of Provisions. The Proceedings of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. The Importance of Timber and Planting. Emigrations to the Colonies. The Means of promoting the Agriculture and Population of Great-Britain, &c. To which are added, Sylv?: or, occasional tracts on husbandry and rural oeconomics.
1768 £175.00
ADAMS (Thomas F.)
Typographia: or, the Printer's Instructor; a Brief Sketch of the Origin, Rise, and Progress of the Typographic Art, with Practical Directions for Conducting Every Department in an Office, Hints to Authors, Publishers, &c.
1854 £95.00
AIRD (Andrew)
Reminiscences of Editors, Reporters, and Printers, during the last Sixty Years.
1890 £45.00
A Fine Collection of Books Printed by Aldus Manutius and his Successors at Venice...
1995 £15.00
Annales de l'Imprimerie des Alde ou Histoire des Trois Manuce et de Leurs Editions.
1825 £975.00
ALDIS (Harry G.)
A List of Books Printed in Scotland before 1700, Including those Printed Furth of the Realm for Scottish Booksellers. With brief notes on the printers and stationers.
1970 £18.00
AMRAM (David Werner)
The Makers of Hebrew Books in Italy. Being Chapters in the History of the Hebrew Printing Press.
1909 £15.00
The Morphology of the Omohyoid Muscle. [Offprint from the 'Dublin Journal of Medical Science', August, 1881.]
1881 £35.00
Catalogue of the Bewick Collection (Pease Bequest).
1904 £20.00
ANDRESEN (Andreas)
Der Deutsche Peintre-Graveur. German Graphic Artists Cataloged from 1560 to 1800.
1977 £75.00
Spanish and Portuguese 16th Century Books in the Department of Printing and Graphic Arts. A Descriptive of an Exhibition and a Bibliographical Catalogue of the Collection.
1985 £12.00
ANSELMO (Antonio Joaquim)
Bibliografia das Obras Impressas em Portugal no Século XVI.
1926 £25.00
ARBER (Edward) Editor.
The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works. No. 1-2.
1878 £23.00
ARBER (Edward) Editor.
The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works. No. 1-4.
1878 £32.00
ARBER (Edward) Editor. ROBINSON (Clement)
Clement Robinson and Divers Others: A Handful of Pleasant Delights Containing Sundry New Sonnets and Delectable Histories in Divers Kinds of Metre Etc. 1584. The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works No. 3.
1895 £16.00
ARCHER (Rev. S.)
The Sunday Collectors & Epistles, Arranged in the Form of Question and Answer, for the use of Sunday Schools.
1827 £75.00
ASHTON (Charles)
Llyfryddiaeth Gymreig o 1801 I 1810.
1908 £15.00
ASTOLFI (Giovanni Felice)
Scelta curiosa, et ricca officina di varie antiche, & moderne istorie, divisa in tre libri. Composta da Gio. Felice Astolfi, et adornata di belle, & vaghe figure: nella quale si spiegano esempi notabili, virtù e difetti pertinenti. Da' quali può agevolmente il professore di lettere, e d'armi, lo studioso d'istoria, di poesia, di costumi & di cose varie, il curioso & lo sfacendato ancora trarre utilità di correggere non pur i mancamenti altrui, ma gli propri, e d'incaminarsi nella strada della virtù.
1602 £1250.00
Rambridge, near Weyhill, Hants. A Catalogue of Valuable Household Furniture, and other effects, which will be sold by auction, by Henry Criswick, on the premises, at Rambridge House, on Thursday, Oct. 25, 1804, and following Day.
1804 £65.00
Miscellaneous Pieces.
1851 £195.00
The Sacred Edict: With a Translation of the Colloquial Rendering. Prepared for the use of junior members of the China Island Mission.
1907 £45.00
BALLINGER (John) & JONES (James Ifano)
Catalogue of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department. Cardiff Free Libraries.
1898 £19.00
BARBER (Giles) Compiler.
French Letterpress Printing. A List of French Printing Manuals and other texts in French bearing on the Technique of Letterpress Printing, 1567-1900.
1969 £9.00
BARKER (Nicolas)
The Oxford University Press and the Spread of Learning 1478-1978: An Illustrated History.
1978 £18.00
BARKER (Nicolas)
The Oxford University Press and the Spread of Learning 1478-1978: An Illustrated History.
1978 £18.00

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