Author |
Title |
Year |
Price |
Tributes to Brooke Crutchley on his Retirement as University Printer.
1975 |
£25.00 |
Culpeper's Herbal and Family Doctor.
1899 |
£695.00 |
DIBDIN (Rev. Thomas Frognal)
The Bibliographical Decameron: or, Ten Days Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects Connected with Early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography.
1817 |
£2250.00 |
DIBDIN (Rev. Thomas Frognall)
A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany.
1829 |
£65.00 |
DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall)
A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany.
1821 |
£975.00 |
Proeve van Drukletteren. Lettergieterij van Joh. Enschedé en Zonen. Haarlem.
1841 |
£895.00 |
Pica Roman Type in Elizabethan England.
1989 |
£35.00 |
FOURNIER (Pierre-Simon, Fournier le Jeune)
Manuel Typographique, utile aux gens de lettres, et à ceux qui exercent les diffèrentes parties de l'Art de l'Imprimerie.
1764 |
£2995.00 |
FOURNIER (Pierre-Simon, Fournier le Jeune)
Traités Historiques et Critiques, sur l'Origine et les Progrès de l'Imprimerie. [Five works in one]. Dissertation sur l'origine et les progres de l'art de graver en bois (1758); De l'origine et des productions de l'imprimerie primitive en taille de bois (1759); Observations sur un ouvrage intitule Vindiciae Typographicae (1760); Remarques sur un ouvrage intitule Lettre sur l'origine de l'imprimerie (1761); Lettre a M. Freron, au sujet de l'Edition d'une Bible annoncee pour etre la premiere production de l'Imprimerie.
1764 |
£2750.00 |
Emery Walker: Some Light on his Theories of Printing and on his Relations with William Morris and Cobden-Sanderson.
1973 |
£80.00 |
FRY (Edmund)
Specimen of Modern Printing Types, by Edmund Fry, Letter Founder to The King, Type Street.
1824 |
£2375.00 |
FRY (Joseph)
A Specimen of Printing Types, by Joseph Fry and Sons, Letter-Founders, Worship-Street, Moorfields, London, 1785.
1785 |
£595.00 |
A Specimen of Printing-Types, By Fry, Steele, and Co. Letter-Founders to the Prince of Wales, Type-Street.
1802 |
£2995.00 |
T.J. Lyons. A Biography and Critical Essay.
1987 |
£12.00 |
Exploits and Wonders.
1926 |
£32.00 |
Treatises on Printing and Type-Founding; by T.C. Hansard. From the Seventh Edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica.
1841 |
£60.00 |
HANSON (Laurence)
Government and the Press 1695-1763.
1936 |
£45.00 |
HART (Horace)
Notes on a Century of Typography at the University Press Oxford 1693-1794. A Photographic Reprint of the Edition of 1900 with an Introduction and Additional Notes by Harry Carter.
1970 |
£35.00 |
HAWKINS (Rush C.) POLLARD (Alfred W.) Compiler.
Catalogue of Books Mostly from the Presses of the First Printers Showing the Progress of Printing with Movable Metal Types Through the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century. Collected by Rush C. Hawkins, Catalogued by Alfred W. Pollard and Deposited in the Annmary Brown Memorial at Providence, Rhode Island.
1910 |
£60.00 |
HINDLEY (Charles)
The History of the Catnach Press, at Berwick-upon-Tweed, Alnwick and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in Northumberland, and Seven Dials, London.
1887 |
£45.00 |
HOLME (Charles) Editor.
L'Art du Livre. Étude sur Qurlques-uns des Dernières Créations en Typographie, Ornamentation de Textes, et Reliure, Exécutées en Europe et en Amérique.
1914 |
£25.00 |
HOLME (Charles) Editor.
L'Art du Livre. Étude sur Qurlques-uns des Dernières Créations en Typographie, Ornamentation de Textes, et Reliure, Exécutées en Europe et en Amérique.
1914 |
£35.00 |
Catalogue of the Famous Library of Printed Books, Illuminated Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Engravings Collected by Henry Huth, and Since Maintained and Augmented by his Son Alfred H. Huth, Fosbury Manor, Wiltshire... First [-Ninth and Final] Portion. [With:] The Autograph Letters; Engravings & Woodcuts; Unsold & Imperfect Books.
1911 |
£645.00 |
Catalogue of the Famous Library of Printed Books, Illuminated Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Engravings Collected by Henry Huth, and Since Maintained and Augmented by his Son Alfred H. Huth, Fosbury Manor, Wiltshire... First [-Ninth and Final] Portion.
1911 |
£450.00 |
Muestras de los Punzones y Matrices de la Letra que se Funde en el Obrador de la Imprenta Real.
1799 |
£3945.00 |