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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 102 results
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Author Title Year Price
[BEAUFOY (Colonel)]
The Report of the Committee for Conducting the Experiments of the Society for the Improvement of Naval Architecture.
1799 £595.00
[ELISON (Thomas)]
Decorations for Parks and Gardens. Designed for Gates, Garden Seats, Alcoves, Temples, Baths, Entrance Gates, Lodges, Facades, Prospects for Towers, Cattle Sheds, Ruins, Bridges, Greenhouses, &c. &c. also a Hot House & Hot Wall: with Plans & Scales on 55 plates.
1801 £975.00
[HOWITT (William) & (Mary)]
The Ruined Castles of North Wales. With Photograpic Illustrations by Bedford, Sedgfield and Ambrose.
1929 £145.00
[MAGNAN (Dominique)]
Calcografia della Colonna Antonina Divisa in 150 Tavole... Parte I [-III].
1779 £750.00
[PIERSON (Christoffel)]
Explanation, of the famous and renowned glas-work. Or painted windows, in the fine and eminent Church at Gouda. For the use and commodity of both Inhabitants, and Foreigners that come to see this artificial Work.
1718 £745.00
Two Plans of Premises to be built in Plumb Street, Burnley for the Burnley Carriage Company Limited. Edward Smith, Architect, Burnley, March, 1875.
Proposed plan for 21 houses intended to be erected at Chatburn for The Chatburn Manufacturing Company. Edmund T. Welch, Architect & Surveyor, Clitheroe. July 19th, 1911.
Catalogue d'une très Importante Collection de Livres d'Architecture Recueils d'Ornements propres à la décoration des Édifices et aux Arts industriels par les maîtres Ornemanistes Français et Étrangers des XVIe, XVII et XVIIIe siècles. Livres Illustrés du Xve au XVIIIe Siècle comprenant notamment une remarquable série de livres a figures sur bois Italiens.
1914 £75.00
Katalog der Ornamentstich-sammlung der Staatlichen Kunstbibliothek Berlin.
1986 £45.00
Katalog der Architektur-und Ornamentstichsammlung. Teil 1: Baukunst England. Bearbeitet von Marianne Fischer.
1977 £16.00
Katalog der Architektur-und Ornamentstichsammlung. Teil 1: Baukunst England. Bearbeitet von Marianne Fischer.
1977 £16.00
Bygone Eton. Being a Collection of Historical Views of the Buildings at Eton College with Descriptive Notes.
1906 £45.00
Catalogue of the Avery Architectural Library. A Memorial Library of Architecture, Archaeology, and Decorative Art.
1895 £110.00
Les Plus Beaux Monuments de Rome Ancienne ou, Recueïl des Plus Beaux Morceaux de l'Antiquité Romaine Qui Existent Encore. Dessinés par Monsieur Barbault Peintre Ancien Pensionnaire du Roy a Rome, et Gravés en 128 Planches avec Leur Explication.
1761 £800.00
BEARMAN (Robert) Editor.
Compton Verney: A History of the House and its Owners.
2000 £20.00
BELLORI (Giovanni Pietro)
Veteres arcus Augustorum triumphis insignes. Ex Reliquiis quae Romae adhuc Supersunt cum Imaginibus Triumphalibus restituti antquis nummis notisquae Io: Petri Bellorii illustrati Nunc primùm per Io: Iacobum de Rubeis Aeneis typis vulgati.
1690 £500.00
BILLINGS (Robert William)
The Power of Form Applied to Geometric Tracery. One Hundred Designs and their Foundations Resulting from One Diagram.
1851 £225.00
Collection of Facts and Documents Relative to the Project of a Bridge from South Street in Boston [Massachusetts] to Dorchester Neck, and the Annexation of that Peninsula to the Town of Boston.
1805 £125.00
The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine for the Drawing Room, the Studio, the Office, the Workshop, and the Cottage. 3 vols., 1843-45. [Continued under the title:] The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Journal, for the Architect, Engineer, Operative, and Artist. 22 vols., 1846-67. [Continued under the title:] The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine [later, a Journal] for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Contractor, Sanitary Reformer, and Art-Lover. 52 vols., 1868-1899. [Continued in two vols., per annum from 1880].
1843 £9775.00
CARY (W.) & BEVAN (B.)
A Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments, Made and Sold by W. Cary, No. 181, Strand, near Norfolk Street. London: Printed by Davidson, 1829. 16pp. [Bound after:] BEVAN (B.) A Practical Treatise on the Sliding Rule: in two parts. Part the first being an introduction to the use of the rule generally as adapted for calculations that usually occur to persons in trade. Part the second containing formulae for the use of surveyors, architects, civil engineers, and scientific gentlemen.
1822 £395.00
CHAMBERS (Ephraim)
[Cyclopaedia: or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences...]
1788 £650.00
Architectural and Historical Notes on Haddon Hall: For the use of Visitors. Illustrated by Josephine Norris and the author and with a plan.
1899 £28.00
CONGREVE (John Ussher)
Catalogue of the Library of John Ussher Congreve, Esq. Mount-Congreve. MDCCCXXVII.
1827 £1450.00
CRAVEN (Maxwell) & STANLEY (Michael)
The Derbyshire Country House. Volume I & II.
2001 £48.00
Convenient and Ornamental Architecture, Consisting of original designs, for plans, elevations, and sections: beginning with the farm house, and regularly ascending to the most grand and magnificent villa, calculated for both town and country, and to suit all persons in every situation of life. Engraved on 70 copper-plates, with reference and explanation of the use of every room, and the dimensions accurately figured on the plans, with exact scales for measurements.
1805 £225.00
