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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 80 results
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Author Title Year Price
Blue-and-White Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 6 Volumes in 7. 1963. [Sold with:] Underglaze Red Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 1963. [Sold with:] Enamelled Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 3 Volumes. 1966. [Sold with:] Blue-and-White Ware of the Ch'ing Dynasty. 2 Volumes. 1968.
1963 £4995.00
[MACPHERSON (Alexander)]
Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, Etc. Forming the Geographical and Topographical Collection attached to The Library of His late Majesty King George the Third, and Presented by His Majesty King George the Fourth to The British Museum.
1829 £475.00
[MAGNAN (Dominique)]
Calcografia della Colonna Antonina Divisa in 150 Tavole... Parte I [-III].
1779 £750.00
Catalogue of the Library, Prints, Drawings, Paintings, Antiquities, Miniatures, China, &c.
1874 £15.00
BASAN (Pierre François)
Collection de Cent-Vingt Estampes, Gravées d'après les tableaux & dessins qui composoient le cabinet de M. Poullain, Receveur Général des Domaines du Rio, décédé en 1780; Précédée d'un Abrégé historique de la Vie des Auteurs qui la composent; Dédiée a M. le Comte d'Orsay....
1781 £1100.00
BECKFORD (William)
The Valuable Library of Books, in Fonthill Abbey. A Catalogue of the Magnificent, Rare, and Valuable Library, (of 20,000 Volumes)... also of the Books of Prints, Galleries of Art, Curious Missals and Manuscripts, the Persian and Chinese Drawings, &c... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Phillips, at the Abbey, on Tuesday the 9th of September, 1823, and Nine Following Days, on Friday the 3d of October, & Four Following Days, and on... 23d October... & Four Following Days, etc. [The Unique and Splendid Effects of Fonthill Abbey. Catalogue of the Extensive Assemblage of Costly and Interesting Property, which Adorns this Magnificent Structure; Embracing Part of the Furniture; the Bijouterie... the Matchless Collection of Raised Gold Japan, and... the Rare Oriental, Japan & Sevres China... Which will be Sold... on... the 23d of September... and Seven Following Days, and on... 16th of October, and Four Following Days, etc. - The Second Part of Books and Books of Prints. - The Pictures and Miniatures at Fonthill Abbey. Catalogue of this Well-selected and Valuable Collection of Gallery and Cabinet Paintings, Miniatures and Drawings... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Phillips, on... the 10th of October... and on... October 14 and 15, 1823. - The Second Part of the Unique and Splendid Effects. - The Third Part of Books and Books of Prints.
1823 £650.00
BELLAIGUE (Geoffrey de)
The James A. De Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor. Furniture, Clocks and Gilt Bronzes. Volume II.
1974 £45.00
BEMROSE (William)
A Biographical Notice of "Wright, of Derby." "Reprinted (with additions) from no.s XV & XVI of the "Reliquary" Quarterly Journal, 1864."
1864 £85.00
Benacre Hall Suffolk. The Property of the Estate of the late Sir John Gooch, 12th Bt.
2000 £20.00
BENSON (Robert and Evelyn)
Catalogue of Italian Pictures at 16, South Street, Park Lane, London and Buckhurst in Sussex. Collected by Robert and Evelyn Benson.
1914 £85.00
BERGHEM (Nicolaes Pieterszoon) & ROOS (Johann Heinrich)
Etchings of Goats, Cattle, and Landscapes, after Berghem and Roos.
1810 £125.00
BERNAL (Ralph)
Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Works of Art, from the Byzantine Period to that of Louis Seize, of that Distinguished Collector, Ralph Berrnal, Esq., Deceased; and also, of the Beautoful Decorative Furniture and Service of plate: Which (by order of the executors) Will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Christie & Manson, at the Mansion... on Monday, March the 5th, 1855.
1855 £75.00
The Glasgow Boys: The Glasgow School of Painting 1875-1895.
1990 £20.00
A Catalogue of the Several Pictures, Status, and Busts, in the Picture Gallery, Bodleian Library, and Ashmolean Museum, at Oxford.
1785 £295.00
BROWN (Ford Madox)
A Catalogue of the Household & Decorative Furniture, Works of Art, Books & Effects Belonging to the Distinguished Painter Ford Madox Brown, Which will be Sold by Mr. T.G. Wharton, Upon the premises, No.1, St. Edmund's Terrace, Regent's Park on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, May 29th, 30th & 31st, 1894...
1894 £750.00
The Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds; Illustrated by Explanatory Notes & Plates...
1842 £38.00
CHARRINGTON (John) Compiler.
A Catalogue of the Engraved Portraits in the Library of Samuel Pepys, F.R.S. Now Belonging to Magdalene College.
1936 £75.00
CLERK (John, Lord Eldin)
Catalogue of the Extensive, Genuine, and Highly Valuable Collection of Pictures, late the property of the Hon. John Clerk of Eldin... works of... Raffaele, Titian, Proccacini, Tintoretto, Pordenone, Paduanino, Paulo and Alexander Veronese, Corregio, Parmigiano, Cigoli, Annibal Caracci, Guido, Garofolo, Nicolo and Gasper Poussin, Claude, Mignard, Rubens, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Gerard Dow, Netscher, David Teniers, Isaac and Adrian Ostade, Schalken, Both, Carl Du Jardin, Adrian and William Van de Velde, Philip Wouvermans, Van der Neer, and other favourite painters...British artists, Wilkie, Stothard, Rev. J. Thomson, Runciman, Geddes, P. Nasmyth, &c. &c., also the superb and entire collection of engravings, painters' etchings, and original drawings by the greatest masters and a splendid and rare assemblage of ancient china, bronzes, terra-cottas, casts from the antique, coins, &c. &c. Which will be unreservedly sold by auction by Messrs Thomas Winstanley & Sons (of Liverpool), at no. 16, Picardy Place, Edinburgh, on Thursday the 14th day of March 1833, and thirteen following days, at one o'clock precisely each day, by order of the executors... [Edinburgh: Printed by J. Hutchison,] 1833. One of 50 privately printed large paper copies, [4], 2, [2], 103, [1, blank]pp., with half-title and limitation statement, engraved frontis., 5 engraved plates (one double-page). [Bound with:] [HOWELL (John)] A Concise and Accurate Account of the Accident that Occurred at the Sale of the late Lord Eldin's Pictures, on Saturday the 16th March, at 16, Picardy Place. By a Sufferer.
1833 £1995.00
DANIELL (Edward Thomas)
Twelve Etchings by the Rev. E. T. Daniell with a Short Notice of his Life by R. H. Inglis Palgrave.
1882 £795.00
DELAUNEY (Honoré Francis)
Origine de la Tapisserie de Bayeux, prouvée par elle-meme.
1824 £30.00
FALCKE (David)
Catalogue of the Magnificent Collection of Works of Art and Vertu, Formed by Mr. David Falcke, of New Bond Street, to whose excellent judgment and taste this country is indebted for the introduction of so many fine works of art, and who is about finally retiring from business: which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Christie and Manson... on Monday, April 19, 1858, and Eighteen following Days.
1858 £225.00
L'Art de Laver oder: Die Kunst zu Tuschen, das ist: die allerneueste Manier Vestungen und andere Risse mit gehorigen Farben zu mahlen und zu tuschen... ; nunmehr ins Teutsche ubers. / von H. Gautier de Nismes. Monath, Nurnberg. 1745. [xiv],96pp., 2 engraved plates (one large folding). [Bound with:] BOSSE (Abraham) Gründliche Anweisung zur Radier- und Etz-Kunst: Nemlich: wie man mit Scheid-Wasser in Kupfer und andere Metalle etzen, das Wasser, wie auch den harten und weichen Etzgrund bereiten solle; Ferner, Wie die Kupffer-Platten abzudrucken; die Drucker-Presse zu machen, und was man sonsten dabey in acht zu nehmen hat; Diesem ist als Anhang beygefügt: H. Gautier de Rismes Kunst zu Tuschen, Beede mit hierzu dienlichen Kupffern versehen.
1746 £595.00
Q. Horatii Flacci satyrarum libri I. Satyra V.
1816 £1295.00
HOYTE (Anthony)
The Doris Wheatley Collection of Derby Porcelain.
1987 £45.00
HUBER (Michel), ROST (C. C. H.) & MARTINI (C. G.)
Manuel des curieux et des amateurs de l'art, contenant une notice abregée des principaux Graveurs, et un Catalogue raisonné de leurs meilleurs ouvrages; depuis le commencement de la Gravure jusques a nos jours.
1797 £295.00
