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Author Title Year Price
GUILLOT (Ernest)
Elements d'Ornementation du XVIe au XVIIIe Siècle. Tirés des manuscrits des imprimès des estampes de la Bibliothèque Nationale des Monuments Historiques de l'epoque.
1870 £40.00
HAY (David Ramsay)
The Principles of Beauty in Colouring Systematized.
1845 £595.00
HELLER (David)
In Search of V.O.C. Glass.
1951 £22.00
HOGARTH (Mary & Ann)
Mary & Ann Hogarth from the old Frock-shop the corner of the Long Walk facing the Cloysters, Removed to ye Kings Arms joyning to ye Little Britain-gate, near Long Walk. Sells ye best & most Fashionable Ready Made Frocks, sutes of Fustian, Ticken & Holland, stript Dimmity & Flanel, Wastcoats, blue & canvas Frocks & bluecoat Boys Dra[we]rs Likewise Fustians, Tickens, Hollands, white stript Dimitys, white & stript Flanels in ye piece; by Wholesale or Retale at Reasonable Rates.
1730 £245.00
Bibliographie Générale de la Mesure du Temps suivie d'un essai de classification technique et géographique. Préface de Paul Ditisheim.
1947 £85.00
The House. A Monthly Artistic for the Home. [Its furnishing, decoration, social functions, cuisine, sanitation, amateur work and general comfort.]
1898 £55.00
A Course of Painting in Neutral Tint, with Twenty-Four Plates, from Designs by R. P. Leitch.
1875 £35.00
The London Mechanics' Register. Vol. I, no. 1, November 1824 - no. 27, April 1825; Vol. II, no. 29, May 1825 - no. 55, October 1825.
1824 £85.00
MERNE (John G.)
A Handbook of Celtic Ornament: Being a Key to the Construction of all Types of that form of Decoration.
1931 £38.00
Mintons Tiles. Selected Patterns of Enamelled Tiles for Walls, Hearths, Fire Places, Furniture, Flower Boxes, &c., Reduced to a scale of 1½ inch to a foot.
1885 £1500.00
NASH (Paul W.) SAVAGE (Nicholas) BEASLEY (Gerald) MERITON (John) & SHELL (Alison) Compilers.
Early Printed Books 1478-1840: Catalogue of the British Architectural Library's Early Imprints Collection. Volume 1: A-D.
1994 £275.00
NASH (Paul W.) SAVAGE (Nicholas) BEASLEY (Gerald) MERITON (John) & SHELL (Alison) Compilers.
Early Printed Books 1478-1840: Catalogue of the British Architectural Library's Early Imprints Collection. Volume 3: M-R.
2001 £275.00
NASH (Paul W.) SAVAGE (Nicholas) BEASLEY (Gerald) MERITON (John) & SHELL (Alison) Compilers.
Early Printed Books 1478-1840: Catalogue of the British Architectural Library's Early Imprints Collection. Volume 4: S-Z.
2001 £295.00
Catalogue of Old Samplers and Tapestry Embroideries Exhibited at the Fine Art Society's Exhibition, 1900, many of which are illustrated in Huish's "Samplers and Tapestry Embroideries." Oriental Amulets, Signets, Pictures, etc. Which will be sold by auction, by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, on Monday, the 24th of June, 1901.
1901 £85.00
ORANGE (James)
Catalogue of a Small Collection of Japanese Lacquer made by James Orange, Hong Kong.
1907 £550.00
The Ornamentist, or Artisan's Manual in the Various Branches of Ornamental Art.
1845 £145.00
PAIN (William)
The Practical Builder; or workman's general assistant; shewing the most approved and easy methods for drawing and working the whole or separate part of any building, as The Use of the Tramel for Groins, Angle-Brackets, Niches, &c. Semi-Circular Arches on Flewing James, the preparing and making their Soffits. Rules of Carpentry; To find the Length and Backing of Hips, strait or curved; Trusses for Roofs, Domes, &c. - Trussing of Girders, Sections of Floors, &c. The Proportion of the Five Orders, in their general and particular Parts, Gluing of Columns, Stair-Cases with their ramp and twist Rails, fixing the Carriages, Newels, &c. Frontispieces, Chimney-Pieces, Ceilings, Cornices, Architraves, &c. in the newest Taste. With plans and elevations of gentlemans and farm-houses, yards, barns, &c. By William Pain, Architect and Joiner. Engraved on eighty-three plates.
1787 £495.00
PAIN (William)
The Practical Builder; or workman's general assistant; shewing the most approved and easy methods for drawing and working the whole or separate part of any building; as the use of the tramel for groins, angle brackets, niches, &c. semi-circular arches on flewing jambs, the preparing and making their soffits; rules of carpentry, to find the length and backing of hips strait or curved; trusses for roofs, domes, &c. Trussing of girders, sections of floors, &c. The proportion of the five orders in their general and particular parts: gluing of columns; stair-cases with their ramp and twist rails, fixing the carriages, newels, &c. Frontispieces, chimney-pieces, ceilings, cornices, architraves, &c. In the newest taste; with plans and elevations of gentleman's and farm-houses, barns, &c.
1787 £375.00
Description of a Second View of the Ruins of Pompeii, and Surrounding Country; Representing the Tragic Theatre, Covered Theatre, Temple of Isis, Small Forum, Now Exhibiting in the Panorama, Leicester-Square: Painted, from Drawings taken on the Spot, by Mr. Burford.
1824 £95.00
PARKER (Thomas N.)
An Essay of the Construction, Hanging, and Fastening of Gates; Exemplified in Six Quarto Plates.
1804 £275.00
PARSEY (Arthur)
The Art of Miniature Painting on Ivory.
1831 £150.00
The First Number of The Studio, a practical Monthly Illustrated Magazine, on popular lines, is now in preparation.
1893 £45.00
A New and Comprehensive Edition of the Art of Making Fireworks with Safety and Ease, Containing Instructions for the Following: Artificial Earthquakes, Artificial Thunder, Blue Flame, Blue Candle, Balloons, Crackers, Fancy Devices, Fires, Fountains, Gerbes, Lights, Mines, Mortars, Marroons, Roman Candles, Rockets, Rains Gold and Silver, Stars, Serpents, Sparks of all Colours, Tourbillons, Catharine Wheels, Wildfires, Water Fireworks of numerous kinds. With full information relative to the properties, as well as mixing and preparing Gunpowder, Saltpetre, Charcoal, Steel and Iron Fillings, &c. &c.
1820 £595.00
RIVIÈRE (Robert)
Examples of Modern Bookbindings. Designed and Executed by Robt. Rivière & Son.
1919 £245.00
Elements of Painting with Crayons.
1777 £395.00

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