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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
DOBSON (Austin)
The Story of Rosina and other Verses. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson.
1895 £45.00
DODSLEY (Robert), PEARCH (George)
A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes by Several Hands and a Collection of Poems in Four Volumes by Several Hands (being a continuation of Dodsley's work published by Pearch).
1775 £950.00
DOHENY (Estelle)
The Estelle Doheny Collection from The Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, California.
1987 £95.00
DUFF (E. Gordon)
Scottish Bookbinding, Armorial and Artistic. A paper read before the Bibliographical Society, February 18, 1918.
1920 £35.00
DUFF (E. Gordon)
Some Early Scottish Book-bindings and Collectors. [Off-print] from the Scottish Historical Review July, 1907.
1907 £25.00
Ellis & Elyey's General Catalogue of Rare Books & MSS. On sale at 29 New Bond Street, London.
1894 £25.00
ELZEVIER (Daniel, 1626-1680)
Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliopolio Danielis Elsevirii venales extant.
1674 £6995.00
Exhibition of Silver Embroidered and Curious Bookbindings.
1903 £40.00
The Catalogue of Books from the Libraries or Collections of Celebrated Bibliophiles and Illustrious Persons of the Past with Arms or Devices upon the Bindings Exhibited at the Grolier Club.
1895 £50.00
HALDANE (Duncan)
Islamic Bookbindings in the Victoria and Albert Museum.
1983 £38.00
HAWTHORNE (Nathaniel)
First Editions of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Together with some Manuscripts, Letters and Portraits. Exhibited at The Grolier Club.
1904 £35.00
HEALES (Major Alfred)
The Records of Merton Priory in the County of Surrey. Chiefly from Early and Unpublished Documents.
1898 £75.00
HOBSON (Anthony)
Apollo and Pegasus. An Enquiry into the Formation and Dispersal of a Renaissance Library.
1975 £165.00
Qur'ans and Bindings from the Chester Beatty Library.
1980 £18.00
JOSEPH (Edward)
Catalogue of a Collection of Miniatures by Richard Cosway, R.A. and Contemporary Miniaturists. Illustrated by Photographs of the Originals. In the Possession of Edward Joseph, Esq.
1885 £345.00
D. Junii Juvenalis Aquinatis Satirae XVI. ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensitae varietate lectionum perpetuoque commentario illustratae et indice uberrimo instructae a Ge. Alex. Ruperti; quibus adjectae sunt, A. Persii Flacci Satirae, ex recensione et cum notis G. L. Koenig.
1825 £345.00
KENT (Samuel)
The Banner Display'd: or, an Abridgment of Guillim: Being a Compleat System of Heraldry, in all is Parts. With proper Cuts and Tables.
1726 £495.00
KING (Daniel)
The Vale Royall of England. Or, The County Palatine of Chester Illustrated. Wherein is contained a Geographical and Historical Description of that Famous County, with all its Hundreds and Seats of the Nobility, Gentry, and Freeholders; its Rivers, Towns, Castles, Buildings Ancient and Modern. Adorned with Maps and Prospects, and the Coats of Arms belonging to every individual Family of the whole County... Also, An Excellent Discourse of the Island of Man; Treating of the Island. Of the Inhabitants. Of the State Ecclesiasticall. Of the Civil Government. Of the Trade; and, Of the Strength of the Island.
1656 £3200.00
LE ROUX DE LINCY (Antoine J. V.)
Recherches sur Jean Grolier sur vie et sa Bibliothèque suivies d'un Catalogue des Livres qui lui ont Appartenu.
1866 £120.00
LE ROUX DE LINCY (Antoine J. V.)
Recherches sur Jean Grolier sur vie et sa Bibliothèque suivies d'un Catalogue des Livres qui lui ont Appartenu.
1866 £275.00
LE ROUX DE LINCY (Antoine J. V.)
Researches Concerning Jean Grolier, his Life and his Library. With a Partial Catalogue of his Books by A.-J.-V. Le Roux de Lincy. Edited by Baron Roger Portalis, Translated and Revised by Carolyn Shipman.
1907 £245.00
LE SAGE (Alain-René)
Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane par Le Sage. Vignettes par Jean Gigoux.
1836 £45.00
LORRIS (Guillaume de) & MEUNG (Jehan de)
Le Roman de la Rose par Guillaume de Lorris et Jehan de Meung. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée sur les meilleurs et plus anciens manuscrits, par M.Méon.
1814 £345.00
McDONNELL (Joseph) & HEALY (Patrick)
Gold-Tooled Bookbindings Commissioned by Trinity College Dublin in the Eighteenth Century.
1987 £55.00
MITCHELL (William Smith)
A History of Scottish Bookbinding 1432 to 1650.
1955 £45.00

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