Antiquarian & Secondhand Booksellers

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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
The History of Bookbinding 525-1950 A.D. An Exhibition held at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
1957 £50.00
The History of Bookbinding 525-1950 A.D. An Exhibition held at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
1957 £50.00
The History of Bookbinding 525-1950 A.D. An Exhibition held at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
1957 £50.00
BARBER (Giles)
Catalogue of Printed Books and Bookbindings: The James A. de Rothschild Bequest at Waddesdon Manor.
2013 £375.00
BARBER (Giles)
Catalogue of Printed Books and Bookbindings: The James A. de Rothschild Bequest at Waddesdon Manor.
2013 £375.00
BARBER (Giles)
Catalogue of Printed Books and Bookbindings: The James A. de Rothschild Bequest at Waddesdon Manor.
2013 £375.00
BARBER (Giles)
Catalogue of Printed Books and Bookbindings: The James A. de Rothschild Bequest at Waddesdon Manor.
2013 £375.00
BARBER (Giles)
Textile and Embroidered Bindings.
1971 £10.00
BARWICK (George F.)
A Book Bound for Mary Queen of Scots. Being a Description of the Binding of a Copy of the Geographia of Ptolemy Printed at Rome, 1490, with notes on other Books Bearing Queen Mary's Insignia. Illustrated Monographs No. IX.
1901 £35.00
Caring for Books and Documents.
1981 £20.00
BAYNTUN (George)
New Bindings. Catalogue No. 22.
1958 £12.00
BEARMAN (Frederick A.) KRIVATSY (Nati H.) & MOWERY (J. Franklin)
Fine and Historic Bookbindings from the Folger Shakespeare Library.
1992 £75.00
BEARMAN (Frederick A.) KRIVATSY (Nati H.) & MOWERY (J. Franklin)
Fine and Historic Bookbindings from the Folger Shakespeare Library.
1992 £45.00
BIDOIRE (Pierre)
Catalogue de Très Beaux Livres de XVe au XIXe Siecles... Manuscrits, Incunables, Classiques, Livres Illustres... Leon Andre Commissaire-Priseur.
1927 £18.00
The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England: together with the proper lessons for Sundays and other Holy-Days.
1890 £95.00
BLAIZOT (Claude)
Reliures Francaises Contemporaines, Quelques Tendances.
1975 £10.00
BLAIZOT (Claude)
Reliures Francaises Contemporaines, Quelques Tendances.
1975 £8.00
Winchester College. Unfamiliar Libraries XI. Reprinted from 'The Book Collector', Autumn, 1967.
1967 £12.00
Catalogue des Livres Illustres du XVIIIe Siecle. Editions Originales de Grands Classiques Francais Riches Reliures Armoriees et Autographes Anciens.
1932 £26.00
[BÉNARD (Marcel)]
Catalogue de Livres et Curiuex Anciens et Modernes Composant la Bibliothèque de M. M. B***.
1925 £24.00
Essai sur la Restauration des Anciennes Estampes et des Livres Rares ou traite sur les meilleurs procedes a suivre pour reparer, detacher, decolorier et conserver les gravures, dessins et livres.
1846 £245.00
The Bookbinder: An Illustrated Journal for Binders, Librarians, and all Lovers of Books. [The British Bookmaker...]
1888 £795.00
The Whole Art of Bookbinding [1811.] The Whole Process of Marbling Paper [c1815.] Reprinted from the original editions, with a foreword by Bernard C. Middleton.
1987 £110.00
Der in aller heut zu Tag ublichen Arbeit wohl anweisende accurate Buchbinder und Futtermacher: welcher lehret... wie nicht nur ein buch auf das netteste zu verfertigen, sondern auch wie solches seine gebührende dauer halt... uberdies zeiget, wie alle farben auf leder und pergament anzusetzen... Alles aufrichtig versehen / durch Christoph Ernst Prediger, buchbinder in Anspach. Kommentar von Adolf Rhein, Albert Haemmerle, Heinz Peterssen uber das Leben un Wirken des Christoph Ernst Prediger.
1741 £1850.00
Bibliopegy. Association Bindings and others of Artistic Beauty from the Sixteenth to Twentieth Centuries. Offered for Sale by Chas. J. Sawyer. Catalogue No. 255.
1960 £19.00

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