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Book Details

ROXBURGHE CLUB. FURNIVALL (F. J.) Editor.. The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man, Englished by John Lydgate, A.D. 1426, from the French of Guillaume de Deguileville, A.D. 1330, 1355. The text edited by F. J. Furnivall, with introduction, notes, glossary and indexes by Katharine B. Locock. Printed for the Roxburghe Club.1905

London: Nichols and Sons, 4to (280 x 200 mm), [2], lxxvii, v-xvi, 736, [2]pp., front inner hinge shaken, cont. Roxburghe quarter morocco, rubbed, uncut. Provenance: Circular bookplate of Eric Gerald Stanley, Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor, University of Oxford. Barker, The Publications of the Roxburghe Club, 145.

Stock #37330

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