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Book Details

[BIRAC (Sieur de), LAMONT (M. de) & VALIERO (Chevalier de la). The New Art of War. Containing I. The duties of officers of horse and foot. II. the Duties of a Soldier in general, from a private Sentinel to a Commander in Chief. III. The practice of war by all great generals; As the Order of Marching, Counter-Marching, and Incamping, with proper Distances, as Intervals and Streets, for Horse and Foot; the Plan or Method of drawing up an Army in Line of Battle; of Attacking and Defending Lines of Circumvallation; of pasting Rivers over Bridges of Pontons, and Entrenching an Army on the other Side; the Manner of Besieging and Defending fortified Places; the Method of Surprising Garrisons and Armies, and of Beating up Quarters. To which are added (never published before,) IV. The manner of drawing up a regiment, and Posting Officers, with Orders to be observ'd in Camps and Garrisons. V. The Exercise of the Foot, with the Number of Motions to be performed at each Word of Command, and an Explanation of them. VI. The Method of Forming and Reducing the Hollow Square. Vii. The Exercise of the Horse and Dragoons as now practised. Viii. The Rules and Orders of his late Majesty King William, when Prince of Orange, to be observed by all Guards and Garrisons. IX. Lastly, an abridgement of the articles of war now in Force. The whole illustrated with several Copper Cuts.1726

London: Printed for E. Midwinter, First edition, 12mo (149 x 90 mm), xii, 296, [4]pp., 4 engraved plates, upper and lower margins cut close affecting several page numerals or catchwords, paper flaw to leaf Y4 causing slight tear, nineteenth-century half calf, marbled boards, red morocco spine label lettered in gilt. First published in 1707 under the title 'The Art of War' with a new edition appearing in 1711 followed by this third printing. Part I is by the Sieur de Birac, parts II-III by M. de Lamont, part IV by the Chevalier de la Valière. Provenance: Bookplate of the Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich.

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