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Book Details

WOOD (John). A New Compendious Treatise of Farriery. Wherein are set forth in a plain, familiar, and natural manner the disorders incident to horses, and their respective cures: Together With some Interesting Observations on Bleeding, Purging, Exercise, &c. A certain Prescription for the Cholick.1762

London: Printed for J. Ryall, Second edition, 12mo (166 x 97 mm), xii, lvii, [1], 141, [1], 62pp., with half-title, engraved frontispiece with fore-edge cut close just catching the single line border but not image, 1 engraved plate, without free-endpapers, cont. calf, rather rubbed and worn, joints cracked, calf peeling from lower board. "John Wood served as a groom during the war in Flanders... he was next with the King of Sardinia, and at the time of writing his treatise was groom to the Earl of Rochford, who is the financial supporter of the publication."—Smith. Smith, II, p.96; Dingley, 679.

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