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Book Details

[PLATTES (Gabriel)]. A Discovery of Infinite Treasure, Hidden since the Worlds Beginning. Whereunto all men, of what degree soever, are friendly invited to be sharers with the Discoverer, G. P.1639

London: Printed by I[ohn] L[egat] and are to be sold by George Hutton, First edition, with the first issue title page, 4to (181 x 129 mm), [18], 92pp., initial leaf blank, without the final errata leaf which is "lacking in most copies with the original title page"—ESTC, woodcut initials and head-pieces, expert marginal repairs to title page which is a little dusty, a4 with paper flaw to blank upper margin, some occasional light browning, smooth later calf, boards with a single gilt fillet border, joints slightly rubbed, spine lettered direct. First edition of Gabriel Plattes influential work on the application of inventions to agriculture, with references to emigration in the newly founded plantations in America, keeping of bees, the care of sheep, etc., etc. He was was one of the earliest advocates in England for an improved system of husbandry, and devoted much time and money to practical experiments. Although his work was largely ignored during his lifetime, later writers were greatly influenced by Plattes. "Harte calls him an original genius in husbandry who began his observations in the latter end of Queen Elizabeth's reign..."—Ferguson. STC 19998; Ferguson, II, 207-208; Rothamsted, p.118; Not in Perkins; Fussell I, p.38; McDonald, pp.78-84.

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