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Book Details

[CLARKE (William)]. Repertorium Bibliographicum; or, Some Account of the Most Celebrated British Libraries.1819

London: William Clarke, First edition, small 4to (235 x 145 mm), xlviii, [2], 138, 133*-138*, 139-454, 449*-454*, 455-672, [2]pp., engraved frontispiece and 9 engraved portraits (some foxed), 2 woodcuts in the text, later library buckram. A survey of the principal public and private libraries in England, listing highlights of the collections and concluding with brief accounts of 30 important English book auctions from the 17th century onwards. William Beckford assisted in the compilation of this work, particularly in the description of his own library at Fonthill. Provenance: With the bookplates of Library Company, Philadelphia and Jacob L. Chernofsky.

Stock #40623

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