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Book Details

ROXBURGHE CLUB. AETHELGIFU.. The Will of Aethelgifu. A Tenth Century Anglo-Saxon Manuscript, Translated and Examined by Dorothy Whitelock. With a Note on the Document by Neil Ker and Analyses of the Properties, Livestock and Chattels Concerned by Lord Rennell.1968

Printed for Presentation to the Members of the Roxburghe Club. Folio, [xii],92pp., 4 full pages of facsimile and 6 facsimiles and 3 sketch maps in the text, with the bookplate of the Printer's Library (Oxford University Press) and small stamp to verso of title-page, orig. quarter Roxburghe morocco, spine lettered in gilt, uncut, t.e.g. This, the largest and one of the most important surviving Anglo-Saxon documents of this category, has been dated to 980/990 A.D. It comes from a district, namely the borders of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, and Hertfordshire, which is otherwise poorly represented by such documents. More than this, it is full of historical interest on the social, agricultural, and ecclesiastical conditions of the areas and era. The Will is reproduced in full size facsimile.

Stock #22155

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