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Book Details

CHAPMAN (William) and JESSOP (William). Report on the measures to be attained to in the Survey of a Line of Navigation, from Newcastle upon Tyne to the Irish Chancel. Published by Order of the Northumberland Committee of Subscribers to the Survey. To which are added, all the Reports subsequent to the Survey, and the estimates of Messrs Jessop and Chapman. [and] Second Part of the Proposed Navigation between the East and West Seas, viz. from Haydon-Bridge to Maryport. With Observations on Lines to Penrith, Sandsfield, Ravensbank, Bowness, Wigton. [and] Third and last Part of a Report on the Proposed Navigation between the East and West Seas, (viz.) on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Carrying the Navigation on the South Side of the River Tyne, in the different Courses that it is capable of. [and] Report of the Proposed Line of Navigation between Newcastle and Maryport,.... with Abstracts of the estimates of this line, and also of that from Stella to Hexham. [and] Mr. Chapman's Postscript to Mr. Jessop's Report.1795

Newcastle: Printed for J. Whitefield, 6 parts in one, each part with separate title and pagination, 13, [1]; 11, [1];16, [2]; 17, [1]; 6; 2 pp., modern half morocco, gilt lettering on spine, a nice copy. A series of reports on a project to connect Tyne and Solway Firth by a canal, based on extensive surveys carried out in 1795 and 1796. The plan was abandoned. These reports were collected together and issued as a collection. William Chapman was one of the foremost civil engineers of his day, carrying out successful harbour and drainage schemes. He was concerned with the improvement of river navigations and worked with William Jessop on the Grand Canal of Ireland. Skempton, 228 (incorporating reports 222-227 which were issued separately).

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