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Book Details

WOOD (John). A New Compendious Treatise of Farriery. Wherein are set forth in a plain, familiar, and natural manner the disorders incident to horses, and their respective cures: Together With some Interesting Observations on Bleeding, Purging, Exercise, &c. By John Wood, Late Groom to the King of Sardinia, and at present Groom to the Right Hon. the Earl of Rochford.1757

London: Printed for the Author, First edition, xiv, [15]-28, [2], xcviii, 136, 6, 72pp., with half-title and list of subscribers, the appendix has separate pagination and register, contemporary ownership signature of "E. H. Vaughan, 1757", light water-staining to endpapers, contemporary mottled calf, spine with five raised bands, compartments heavily tooled in gilt, red morocco title label on fifth compartment, slight split to top of upper joint otherwise a handsome copy. This is the only publication penned by the author, a second edition appeared in 1762. "John Wood served as a groom during the war in Flanders... he was next with the King of Sardinia, and at the time of writing his treatise was groom to the Earl of Rochford, who is the financial supporter of the publication."—Smith. Smith, II, p.96; Dingley, 679.

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