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Book Details

[CROKER (John Wilson)?]. A Short Letter from Quang-Tcheu. Translated by another Hand.1805

Dublin: Printed by Graisberry & Campbell, for M. N. Mahon, 109, Grafton Stre[et], First edition, 12mo, 21, [1]pp., binder having been rather heavy-handed in shaving margins (2 letters cropped from final line of imprint), a little foxing on the last 2 leaves, disbound. This is a satire on "Cutchacutchoo" which was a game in much vogue in Dublin society at the time, a kind of "Blind Man's Buff," or "Hunt the Slipper" which was criticised as tending to immorality. It was denounced in an anonymous satire, supposed to be written J. W. Croker, who was attacked in various retaliatory squibs. The text is signed at the end "J.T.", possibly written by J. W. Croker.

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