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Book Details

[BOHN (Henry George)]. Observations on the Plan and Progress of the Catalogue of the Library of the British Museum. By a Bookseller.1855

London: Printed by William Stevens, First edition, 28pp., anonymous but known to be by Bohn and the title bears an inscription from him or a member of the Bohn family to the Rev. W. H. Gunner, disbound. "Bohn, Henry George (1796–1884), bookseller and publisher. The information obtained in the practice of his business he also utilised in 'Observations on the Plan and Progress of the Catalogue of the Library of the British Museum,' 1855, in which he suggested various improvements in method, and especially the addition of an index of matters, which he endeavoured to show might be rapidly accomplished by a proper subdivision of labour."—(DNB).

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