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Book Details

CARTWRIGHT (Thomas). A Sermon preached to the Gentlemen of Yorkshire, at Bow-Church in London, the 24th of June, 1684. Being the Day of their Yearly Feast.1684

London, Printed for Tho. Flesher, First Edition, 4to, [4], 38pp., disbound. Dedicated to "all my very much Honoured Friends, the respective Natives of the County of York;.... Sir Robert Legard, Sir Thomas Yarburgh, Abstrupas Danby, Richard Thornton, Lionel Richardson, Christopher Todd, George Sayer, John Hatfield, Henry Rapier, David Prole, George Talbott, William Wyley..... so acceptable to a considerable part of the greatest County in the Kingdom,.....". Wing, C705.

Stock #34251

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