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Book Details

BUDGE (John). The Practical Miner's Guide; The Practical Miner's Guide: comprising a set of Trigonometrical Tables, adapted to all the purposes of oblique or diagonal, vertical, horizontal and traverse Dialling, with their application to the dial exercise of shafts, adits, drifts, lodes, slides, levelling, inaccessible distances, heights, &c. Also a Treatise on the Art and Practice of assaying Silver, Copper, Lead, and Tin, with tables which exhibit at one view the value of assayed ores: Rules for calculating the power of Steam and Water Engines: a discourse on the Quality, Manufacture, and choice of cordage for Mine Service; together with a collection of essential Tables, Rules, and Illustrations, exclusively applicable to Mining Business. The whole introduced and exemplified in the most plain and practical manner.1825

London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, First edition, [8], ii, [4], iii-xxvii, [1], 108 pp., half-title, 15 plates (some lightly browned), illustrations and tables in the text, with the bookplate of John Davies Enys, original cloth, spine and joints torn, printed paper label on spine, uncut.

Stock #34638

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