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Book Details

SPECIMENS OF PRINTING TYPE. STEPHEN SUTTON & CO.. Specimen of the Printing Type, Etc. Manufactured at the Caxton Type and Stereotype Foundry, Bishop's Court, Old Bailey, London. Stephen Sutton & Co.1875

[London: s.n., Crown 8vo (246 x 150 mm), ff. 63, tipped-in is a small folio sheet (280 x 213 mm) printed of one side only "Prices of Type and Materials Manufactured and Sold by Stephen Sutton & Co. at the Caxton Letter Foundry...", later quarter red morocco, green boards. A very rare specimen of printing types from this little known foundry. The specimen begins with 34 samples of different size font from "the most modern faces, cut by artists of first-rate skill and acknowledged talent." Then follows 27 priced specimens of "a beautiful and extensive assortment of Stereotype Ornaments." The tipped-in price list is printed in double-column and gives prices for type, wood type, leads' and metal furniture, galleys, brass rule, cases, frames, and furniture. At the foot is a list of "Agents for the Country": Mr. Joseph Graham, 2 Jewry Street, Aldgate; Mr Simmons, Artillery Lane, Bishopsgate Street; Messrs. Renshaw and Kirkman, Budge Row; Messrs. Shepherd and Sutton, Foster Lane. Provenance: From the typographical library of John Lewis (his bookplate) and John Brinkley (his signature). The only other copy recorded is that of The British Library.

Stock #35853

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