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Book Details

SULLY (Henry). Observations on, and Plain Directions for, All Classes of People, to Prevent the Fatal Effects of the Bites of Animals Labouring under Hydrophobia.1828

Taunton: Printed for the Author, by J. W. Marriott, First edition, 8vo (215 x 140 mm), [4], viii, 77, [1], 4, 10pp., including two addenda, 'Hydrophobic Syringe' & 'Horse Provender', half-title, one engraved plate 'Hydrophobic Injection', recent morocco-backed patterned paper boards, spine gilt lettered direct. Henry Sully was surgeon to Wiveliscombe Infirmiary and to the Duke of Cumberland. This work records a number of local rabies cases and repeats directions given earlier by Somerset doctors that the effects of rabies can be prevented if the saliva is wiped away and the bite thoroughly washed. Washing the wound with antiseptic is still the first treatment for rabies. The understanding of rabies did not progress until Louis Pasteur published 'Sur la Rage' in 1881. The article on Horse Provender is about Sully's system for feeding horse chaff via a chute from a loft above the stable.

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