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Book Details

[ALLISON (Joseph)]. Allison's Picturesque Pocket Companion, Comprising a Succinct Descriptive Sketch of Whitby and its Neighbourhood, the Scenery, Gentlemen's Seats, the Railway, the Abbey, Churches, Castles, Rivers, Antiquities, Waterfalls, &c. In the North Riding of Yorkshire.1850

Whitby: Printed by J. Allison, First edition, 12mo (160 x 104 mm), [5], 6-112pp., engraved frontispiece of Whitby Abbey (lightly spotted with a stain to lower blank margin), bookplate, text illustrs., orig. publisher's printed boards, a very nice copy. Rare, Copac locates the BL and York Minster copies only.

Stock #37113

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