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Book Details

AZUNI (Domenico Alberto). Systême Universel de Principes du Droit Maritime de l'Europe... Traduit de l'Italien, avec des additions du même auteur.1797

Paris: Digeon, First French edition, 2 vols., 8vo (190 x 125 mm), [2], xxiv, 286; [4], 352pp., engraved portrait frontispiece to vol. I, half-title to vol. II, occasional faint spotting, half green morocco, marbled boards, spine gilt tooled with contrasting red morocco labels, yellow edges, a very attractive set in fine condition. Azuni's own translation, with additions, of his principal work on maritime law of Europe, Sistema universale dei principii del diritto marittimo dell' Europa (1795). "The first volume... is devoted to the sea and to the rights that can be exerted over it, and has almost exclusively historical character... In the second book, which deals with the maritime law of Europe in wartime, he deals especially with relations between belligerents and neutrals."—Sereni. Sereni, The Italian Conception of International Law, p. 146.

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