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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 32 results
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Author Title Year Price
[CURWEN (John Christian)]
The President's Report to the Workington Agricultural Society. 1819. The Prosperity and Security of Great Britain.
1820 £95.00
Curiosities of Nature and Art in Husbandry and Gardening. Containing several new experiments in the Improvement of Land, Trees, Fruits, &c. And also nice and useful Observations relating to the Vegetation and Propagation of Plants; with choice Secrets to make Plants, Flowers and Fruits larger, more beautiful, and to ripen earlier than usual. With several copper cuts.
1707 £275.00
[PLATTES (Gabriel)]
A Discovery of Infinite Treasure, Hidden since the Worlds Beginning. Whereunto all men, of what degree soever, are friendly invited to be sharers with the Discoverer, G. P.
1639 £3995.00
[SOMERVILLE (John Southey Somerville, Baron)]
Facts and Observations Relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen: in which the importance of improving the short-wooled breeds of sheep, by a mixture of the merino blood, is demonstrated from actual practice: Together with some remarks on the advantages which have been derived to the author's flock from the use of salt / by John, Lord Somerville.
1809 £225.00
[SOMERVILLE (John Southey Somerville, Baron)]
Facts and Observations Relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen: in which the importance of improving the short-wooled breeds of sheep, by a mixture of the merino blood, is demonstrated from actual practice: Together with some remarks on the advantages which have been derived to the author's flock from the use of salt / by John, Lord Somerville.
1809 £225.00
CATO (Marcus Porcius) and others.
Methodus Rustica Catonis atq. Varronis. Praeceptis aphoristicis per Locos communes digestis a Theodoro Zwingero typice delineata & illustrata.
1576 £1000.00
The Shepherd of Banbury's Rules, to judge of the changes of the weather, grounded on forty years experience, by which you may know the weather for several days to come, and in some cases for months. To which is added, a rational account of the causes of such alterations, the nature of wind, rain, snow, &c. By John Claridge, shepherd.
1781 £110.00
The Complete Family-Piece: and, country gentleman, and farmer's best guide. In three parts.
1736 £395.00
The Complete Family-Piece: and Country Gentleman, and Farmer's, Best Guide. In three parts. Part I. containing a... collection of above one thousand well-experienced practical family-receipts... Part II. containing, I. Full instructions to be observed in hunting, coursing, setting and shooting... II. Cautions, rules, and directions to be taken and observed in fishing; with the manner of making and preserving of rods, lines, floats, artificial flies, &c. and for chusing and preserving several sorts of curious baits. III. A full... kalendar of all work necessary to be done in the fruit, flower, and kitchen gardens... Part III. containing, practical rules, and methods, for the improving of land, and managing a farm in all its branches.
1737 £195.00
DEANE (Samuel)
The New England Farmer; or Georgical Dictionary. Containing a Compendious Account of the ways and methods in which the Important Art of Husbandry, in all its various branches, is, or may be, practised, to the greatest advantage, in this country.
1797 £175.00
DINGLEY (Pauline)
Historic Books on Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry.
1992 £35.00
DINGLEY (Pauline)
Historic Books on Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry.
1992 £35.00
ELLIS (Wilhelm)
Landwirtschaft. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt.
1774 £175.00
ELLIS (William)
Ellis's Husbandry, Abridged and Methodized; Comprehending the most useful Articles pf Practical Agriculture.
1772 £495.00
ELLIS (William)
The Modern Husbandman: or, the Practice of Farming: As it is now carried on by the most Accurate Farmers in several Counties of England.
1744 £950.00
ELLIS (William)
The Modern Husbandman: or, the Practice of Farming: As it is now carried on by the most Accurate Farmers in several Counties of England.
1744 £750.00
ELLIS (William)
The Modern Husbandman: or, the Practice of Farming: As it is now carried on by the most Accurate Farmers in several Counties of England.
1744 £395.00
HITT (Thomas)
A Treatise of Husbandry on the Improvement of Dry and Barren Lands. I. The many Advantages which would arise to the Nation in general, by destroying of Warrens, and converting the Lands into Tillage, Pasture, &c. II. Pointing out new and cheap Methods to make growing Fences upon the most Barren Soils, and how to Till and Manure the same at a low Expence. III. How to prepare the Land, and Raise upon it Various Sorts of Plants, to produce both poles and timber.
1761 £345.00
LOUDON ((John Claudius)
Encyclopaedia of Agriculture; Comprising the Theory and Practice of the Valuation, Transfer, Laying Out, Improvement, and Management of Landed Property; and the Cultivation and Economy of the Animal and Vegetable Productions of Agriculture, Including All the latest Improvements; a General History of Agriculture in all Countries; and a Statistical View of its Present State, with Suggestions for its Future Progress in the British Isles.
1825 £75.00
LOUDON ((John Claudius)
Encyclopaedia of Agriculture; Comprising the Theory and Practice of the Valuation, Transfer, Laying Out, Improvement, and Management of Landed Property; and the Cultivation and Economy of the Animal and Vegetable Productions of Agriculture, Including All the latest Improvements; a General History of Agriculture in all Countries; and a Statistical View of its Present State, with Suggestions for its Future Progress in the British Isles.
1839 £60.00
An Essay on Wool, Containing a Particular Account of the English Fleece. With Hints for its Improvement, Addressed to the Grower, Dealer, and Manufacturer.
1809 £65.00
OWEN (Thomas) Translator.
The Fourteen Books of Palladius Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus, on Agriculture.
1807 £110.00
The Experienced Farmer, an entire new work, in which the whole system of agriculture, husbandry and breeding of cattle is explained and copiously enlarged upon : and the best methods, with the most recent improvements pointed out.
1798 £395.00
A Practical Treatise on the Breeding Cow, and extraction of the calf, before and at the time of calving ; in which the question of difficult parturition is considered in all its bearings, with reference to facts and experience; including observations on the diseases of neat cattle generally ; containing profitable instructions to the breeding farmer, cowkeeper, and grazier ; for attending to their own cattle during illness, according to the most approved modern methods of treatment, and the application of long known and skilful prescriptions and remedies for every disorder incident to hirned cattle, the whole adapted to the present improved state of vetertinary practice.
1829 £475.00
SMALL (James)
A Treatise on Ploughs and Wheel Carriages, illustrated by Plates, by James Small and Cart Wright, formerly at Blackadder-Mount, now at Rose-Bank, near Foord, Mid Lothian.
1784 £345.00
