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Author Title Year Price
[SACKVILLE (Lord George)]
The Lordship's Apology.
1759 £75.00
[SACKVILLE (Lord George)]
A Parallel between the Two Trials of Lord George Sackville, lately published. Pointing out their Difference: With Occasional remarks. In which The Evidence and Matter are compared and canvassed, and a Light thrown upon the Whole process.
1760 £110.00
Essai sur le Systeme Militaire de Bonaparte, suivi d'une courte notice sur la Révolution française, et le couronnement de sa majesté corse, par C.H.S.
1810 £35.00
[STONE (George)]
A letter from a p**m**e in I**l**d to a certain great man, who was out of town on the first of August last.
1759 £50.00
[WALPOLE (Horatio, 1st Baron Walpole)]
The Case of the Hessian Forces, in the Pay of Great - Britain, Impartially and Freely Examin'd; with Some Reflections on the Present Conjuncture of Affairs. In Answer to a Late Pamphlet, Intitled, Considerations on the Present State of Affairs, &c.
1731 £25.00
[WELLESLEY (Richard Colley, Marquis)]
Notes Relative to the late Transactions in the Marhatta Empire. Fort William, December 15, 1803.
1804 £595.00
[WHEATLEY Major J. M.)]
History of the Dorsetshire Regiment, 1914-1919 [Part I: The Regular Battalions Part II: The Territorial Battalions Part III: The Service Battalions.]
1932 £125.00
History of the 5th Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force) 1858 to 1928 [Volume II: 1929-1947].
1930 £795.00
List of the General and Field-Officers, as they Rank in the Army; of the officers in the several regiments of Horse, Dragoons, and Foot, on the British and Irish establishments, with the dates of their commissions, as they rank in each corps, and as they rank in the army : the Royal Regiment of Artillery, Irish Artillery, Engineers, the Marines, and independent companies : governors, lieutenant-governors, of His Majesty's garrisons at home and abroad, with their allowances, and the officers on half-pay &c. : to which is now added the succession of colonels.
1763 £195.00
Catalog der Bibliothek des K. B. Isten Artillerie-Regiments.
1830 £75.00
ASTLEY (Philip)
Astley's System of Equestrian Education, Exhibiting the Beauties and Defects of the Horse; with Serious and Important Observations on his General Excellence, Preserving him in Heath, Grooming, &c.
1802 £345.00
A Consolatory Letter to a Noble Lord.
1760 £50.00
BENNIGSEN (Levin August Gottlieb, Freyherrn von)
Gedanken uber Einige dem Officier der Leichten Reuterey nottwendige Kenntnisse.
1794 £365.00
BINNING (Capt. Thomas)
A Light to the Art of Gunnery. Wherein is laid down the True Weight of Power, both for Proof and Action, of all sorts of Great Ordnance. Also the true Ball, and allowance for Wind. With the most necessary Conclusions for the Practice of Gunnery, either in Sea or Land-Service. Likewise the Ingredients, and making of most necessary Fire-Works: As also many Compositions for the Gunner's Practice, both at Sea and Land.
1703 £375.00
BOOT (Jesse)
Boots Comrades in Khaki. Our Roll of Honour. Vol. I. No. 1. (April 1915) - Vol. I. No. 12 (April & May 1916) [All published].
1915 £95.00
BRETT (Edwin J.)
A Pictorial and Descriptive Record of the Origin and Development of Arms and Armour. To which appended 133 plates specially drawn from the collection at Oaklands, St. Peter's, Thanet, and Burleigh House, London.
1894 £895.00
[BULLOCH (John Malcolm)]
Soldiering and Sailoring in the North-East of Scotland: A Bibliography. [Off-print from 'Aberdeen University Library Bulletin, No. XIV].
1916 £20.00
BUTLER (James)
The Life and Character of James Butler, Late Duke, Marquis and Earl of Ormond; Earl of Brecknock and Ossery, Viscount Thurlo, Baron of Lanthony and Moor-Park, Baron of Arcklow, &c. with a particular account of all his battles; and an impartial relation of the rise, Grandeur, Merit, and Personal Endowments of that illustrious family. Together with The Particulars of the Marriages, Descents, and Deaths of the said Family, ever since King Henry Il's Reign. The whole publish'd from authentick manuscripts.
1729 £295.00
CLARK (James)
Historical Record and Regimental Memoir of The Royal Scots Fusiliers Formerly Known as the 21st Royal North British Fusiliers. Containing and Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1678 and its Subsequent Services until June 1885.
1885 £35.00
COCKLE (Maurice J.D.)
A Bibliography of Military Books up to 1642. With an Introduction by Sir Charles Oman.
1957 £30.00
The Policy of the Blockading System refuted, with Observations on the Present Stage of the War! In a Letter to a Friend.
1807 £50.00
A History of the Ayrshire Yeomanry Cavalry.
1881 £45.00
Proceedings of a General Court Martial, held in the Orderly Room at the Barracks in Colchester, on seven Officers, of the West Kent Regiment of Militia, by order of Lieutenant-General Lord Charles Fitzroy, commanding the Eastern District, on a Charge exhibited against them by Lieutenant-Colonel Dalton, of the same regiment; with their Defence, and Prefatory Observations. Solicitors for the Prisoners, Mr. Sutton, of Colchester.
1807 £275.00
Proceedings of the General Court-Martial, held at Mussleburgh on the 24th, 25th, & 26th days of September last, for the Trial of Major Tho. Clarkson Moncrieff, of the First, or Berwickshire, Regiment, by orders of His Royal Highness, the Duke of York, Commander in Chief &c. &c.
1807 £145.00
Reflections on the Pernicious Custom of Recruiting by Crimps; and on various other Modes now practised in the British Army. In a Letter to a Friend.
1795 £245.00

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