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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 41 results
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Author Title Year Price
[DONIOL (Henri)]
Les Vitrines de l'Imprimerie Nationale a l'Exposition Universelle de 1889.
1889 £45.00
BIGMORE (F. C.) & WYMAN (C. W. H.)
A Bibliography of Printing. With Notes and Illustrations.
1978 £45.00
BODONI (Giambattista)
Manuale Tipografico del Cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni.
1818 £14750.00
BRESLAUER (Bernard H.)
Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
2005 £40.00
BRESLAUER (Bernard H.)
Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
2005 £45.00
BRESLAUER (Bernard H.)
Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
2005 £35.00
BRESLAUER (Bernard H.)
Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
2005 £35.00
CASLON (H. W. and Co.)
Specimen of Printing Types of the Caslon and Glasgow Letter Foundry.
1857 £1595.00
CASLON (William)
A Specimen of Printing Types, by William Caslon, Letter-Founder to his Majesty.
1785 £395.00
Specimens of Electrotype Cuts, Initials, Corners, Ornaments, Tints, Etc., Manufactured by James Conner's Sons, United States Type Foundry, New York City. Type, brass rule, cabinets, cases, printers' materials of every description.
1888 £295.00
Proeve van Drukletteren. Lettergieterij van Joh. Enschedé en Zonen. Haarlem.
1841 £895.00
FOURNIER (Pierre-Simon, Fournier le Jeune)
Manuel Typographique, utile aux gens de lettres, et à ceux qui exercent les diffèrentes parties de l'Art de l'Imprimerie.
1764 £2995.00
FRY (Edmund)
Specimen of Modern Printing Types, by Edmund Fry, Letter Founder to The King, Type Street.
1824 £2375.00
FRY (Joseph)
A Specimen of Printing Types, by Joseph Fry and Sons, Letter-Founders, Worship-Street, Moorfields, London, 1785.
1785 £595.00
A Specimen of Printing-Types, By Fry, Steele, and Co. Letter-Founders to the Prince of Wales, Type-Street.
1802 £2995.00
HOLME (Charles) Editor.
L'Art du Livre. Étude sur Qurlques-uns des Dernières Créations en Typographie, Ornamentation de Textes, et Reliure, Exécutées en Europe et en Amérique.
1914 £35.00
HOLME (Charles) Editor.
L'Art du Livre. Étude sur Qurlques-uns des Dernières Créations en Typographie, Ornamentation de Textes, et Reliure, Exécutées en Europe et en Amérique.
1914 £25.00
Muestras de los Punzones y Matrices de la Letra que se Funde en el Obrador de la Imprenta Real.
1799 £3945.00
ISAAC (Peter)
William Davison's New Specimen of Cast-Metal Ornaments and Wood Types. Introduced with an Account of his Activites as Pharmacist and Printer in Alnwick, 1780-1858.
1990 £18.00
The English Grammar made by Ben Jonson for the benefit of all strangers out of the observation of the English language now spoken and in use. With a prefatory note by Strickland Gibson M. A. Bodleian Library.
1928 £40.00
LAMESLE (Claude)
Épreuves Générales des Caracteres qui se trouvent chez Claude Lamesle Fondeur des Caracteres d'Imprimerie.
1742 £3850.00
Spécimen des Divers Caractères Vignettes et Fleurons des Fonderie et Stéréotypie.
1832 £795.00
LUCE (Louis)
Épreuve du Premier Alphabeth Droit et Penché, ornée de Quadres et de Cartouches.
1740 £3445.00
Omnium Gatherum, Consisting Chiefly of a Selection of Odds and Ends from an Old Portfolio; and Comprising the Useful, the Amusing, and the Curious.
1864 £895.00
Specimen des Caractères de la Fonderie Polyamatype de H. Didot, Legrand et Cie.
1828 £1250.00
