Author |
Title |
Year |
Price |
ABBEY (Major J.R.)
Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books and Fine Bindings from the Collection of...
1965 |
£165.00 |
ABBEY (Major J. R.)
Life in England in Aquatint and Lithography 1770-1860. Architecture, Drawing Books, Art Collections, Magazines, Navy and Army, Panoramas etc. From the Library of J. R. Abbey. A Bibliographical Catalogue.
1953 |
£95.00 |
Historical Accounting Literature. A Catalogue of the Collection of Early Works on Book-keeping and Accounting in the Library of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Together with a Bibliography of Literature on the Subject Published before 1750 and not in the Institute Library.
1979 |
£40.00 |
ADAMS (Bernard)
London Illustrated 1604-1851: A Survey and Index of Topographical Books and their Plates.
1983 |
£65.00 |
ADAMS (Bernard)
London Illustrated 1604-1851: A Survey and Index of Topographical Books and their Plates.
1983 |
£65.00 |
ADAMS (Ramon F.) Compiler.
Six-Guns and Saddle Leather. A bibliography of books and pamphlets on Western Outlaws and Gunmen.
1969 |
£15.00 |
ADAMS (Thomas R.) & WATERS (David W.) Compilers.
English Maritime Books Printed Before 1801. Relating to Ships, their Construction and their Operation at Sea...
1995 |
£225.00 |
Catalogue of the Walter Frank Perkins Agricultural Library.
1961 |
£20.00 |
Catalogue of the Walter Frank Perkins Agricultural Library.
1961 |
£38.00 |
Rothamsted Experimental Station Library. Catalogue of the Printed Books on Agriculture Published Between 1471 and 1840. With Notes on the Authors by Mary S. Aslin.
2002 |
£35.00 |
A Fine Collection of Books Printed by Aldus Manutius and his Successors at Venice...
1995 |
£15.00 |
Annales de l'Imprimerie des Alde ou Histoire des Trois Manuce et de Leurs Editions.
1825 |
£975.00 |
ALDIS (Harry G.)
A List of Books Printed in Scotland before 1700, Including those Printed Furth of the Realm for Scottish Booksellers. With brief notes on the printers and stationers.
1970 |
£18.00 |
Four Metaphysical Poets. George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Henry Vaughan, Andrew Marvell; A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Early Editions of their Poetry and Prose (to the End of the 17th Century).
1973 |
£12.00 |
ALMEIDA (Eduardo de Castro e)
Inventario dos documentos relativos ao Brasil existentes no Archivo de Marinha e Ultramar. VIII: Rio de Janeiro 1747-1755.
1936 |
£35.00 |
Inventory of Sale Catalogues of Named and Attributed Owners of Books Sold by Retail or Auction 1676-1800. An Inventory of Sales in the British Isles, America, the United States, Canada, and India.
2010 |
£285.00 |
A Bibliography of the English Language from the Invention of Printing to the Year 1800. A Corrected Reprint of Volumes I-X. Reproduced from the Author's Annotated Copy with Corrections and Additions to 1973 Including Cumulative Indices.
1974 |
£195.00 |
Bibliography: Machine Readable Cataloguing and the ESTC. A Summary History of the Eighteenth Short Title Catalogue. Working Methods. Cataloguing Rules. A Catalogue of the Works of Alexander Pope Printed Between 1711 and 1800 in the British Library.
1978 |
£15.00 |
AMRAM (David Werner)
The Makers of Hebrew Books in Italy. Being Chapters in the History of the Hebrew Printing Press.
1909 |
£15.00 |
Catalogue of the Bewick Collection (Pease Bequest).
1904 |
£20.00 |
ARBOUR (Romeo)
L'Ere Baroque en France: Repertoire Chronologique des Editions de Textes Litteraires. Premiere partie: 1585-1615 [1606-1615] Tome II.[With:] Deuxieme partie: 1616-128. [With:] Troisieme partie: 1629-1643.
1977 |
£95.00 |
Katalog der Ornamentstich-sammlung der Staatlichen Kunstbibliothek Berlin.
1986 |
£45.00 |
Katalog der Architektur-und Ornamentstichsammlung. Teil 1: Baukunst England. Bearbeitet von Marianne Fischer.
1977 |
£16.00 |
Katalog der Architektur-und Ornamentstichsammlung. Teil 1: Baukunst England. Bearbeitet von Marianne Fischer.
1977 |
£16.00 |
ARNOTT (James F.) & ROBINSON (John W.)
English Theatrical Literature 1559-1900: A Bibliography. Incorporating Robert W. Lowe's "A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature" published in 1888.
1970 |
£15.00 |