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Author Title Year Price
Author Catalogue of Printed Books in European Languages in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
1934 £75.00
ATABEY (Sefik E.)
The Ottoman World: The Library of Sefik E. Atabey with a Supplement.
2002 £110.00
AURNER (Nellie Slayton)
Caxton. Mirrour of Fifteenth-Century Letters. A Study of the Literature of the First English Press.
1926 £10.00
Catalogue of the Avery Architectural Library. A Memorial Library of Architecture, Archaeology, and Decorative Art.
1895 £110.00
BACKER (Aloys de) & SOMMERVOGEL (Carlos)
Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jesus.
1890 £745.00
BAKER (Erest E.) Editor.
The Halliwell-Phillipps Collection. A Calendar of the Shakespearean Rarities, Drawings & Engravings, Formerly Preserved at Hollingbury Copse, near Brighton.
1891 £23.00
BAKER (Frank) Compiler.
A Union Catalogue of the Publications of John and Charles Wesley.
1991 £195.00
Bibliography: History of a Tradition. Translated from the Italian by William A. Pettas.
1990 £15.00
BARBER (Giles)
Catalogue of Printed Books and Bookbindings: The James A. de Rothschild Bequest at Waddesdon Manor.
2013 £375.00
BARBER (Giles)
Catalogue of Printed Books and Bookbindings: The James A. de Rothschild Bequest at Waddesdon Manor.
2013 £375.00
BARBER (Giles)
Catalogue of Printed Books and Bookbindings: The James A. de Rothschild Bequest at Waddesdon Manor.
2013 £375.00
BARBER (Giles)
Catalogue of Printed Books and Bookbindings: The James A. de Rothschild Bequest at Waddesdon Manor.
2013 £375.00
BARBIER (Antoine-Alexandre)
Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes. [With:] BRUNET (G.) Supplement...
1963 £125.00
Catalogue des Livres Français, Italiens, Espagnols, Etc., Tant Anciens que Modernes qui se Trouvent chez Barthés et Lowell, Successeurs de Bossange, Barthés & Lowell.
1843 £50.00
Richard Bentley, D.D. A Bibliography of his Works and of all the Literature Called Forth by his Acts or his Writings. With an introduction and chronological table by J.W. Clarke.
1908 £15.00
BARTLETT (Henrietta C.) & POLLARD (Alfred W.)
A Census of Shakespeare's Plays in Quarto 1594-1709.
1916 £95.00
BARTLETT (Henrietta)
Mr. William Shakespeare. Original and Early Editions of his Quartos and Folios, his Source Books and those Containing Contemporary Notices.
1969 £12.00
BATESON (Mary) Editor.
Catalogue of the Library of Syon Monastery, Isleworth.
1898 £95.00
Emblem Books. Catalogues 83,136 &156.
1952 £65.00
BELL (H. Idris) & SKEAT (T.C.) Editors.
Fragments of an Unknown Gospel and other Early Christian Papyri.
1935 £23.00
A Bibliography of Ronald Firbank. [With:] Supplement.
1963 £19.00
BENNETT (Whitman)
A Practical Guide to American Nineteenth Century Color Plate Books.
1980 £15.00
BENTLEY (G. E.) & NURMI (Martin K.)
A Blake Bibliography. Annotated Lists of Works, Studies, and Blakeana.
1964 £15.00
BENTLEY (G. E.) & NURMI (Martin K.)
A Blake Bibliography. Annotated Lists of Works, Studies, and Blakeana.
1964 £15.00
Catalogue Raisonné des Impressions Elzeviriennes de la Bibliothèque Royale de Stockholm.
1911 £48.00

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