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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 330 results
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Author Title Year Price
[CLARKE (William)]
Repertorium Bibliographicum; or, Some Account of the Most Celebrated British Libraries.
1819 £295.00
[CLARKE (William)]
Repertorium Bibliographicum; or, Some Account of the Most Celebrated British Libraries. London: William Clarke, 1819. First edition, xlviii, [2], 138, 133*-138*, 139-454, 449*-454*, 455-672, [2]pp., engraved frontispiece and 9 engraved portraits (foxed and offset, the portrait of Towneley is inserted and stands proud), small ink splash to title, 2 woodcuts in the text. [Bound with:] A Dialogue in the Shades; between William Caxton, a Bibliomaniac, and William Wynken, Clerk. Rare Doings at Roxburghe Hall. A Ballad. The Diary of Roger Payne, with a Lithographic sketch on the Monument to be Erected to his memory by the Bibliographical Club.
1821 £1245.00
[DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall)] LICQUET (Théodore)
Lettre Neuvième relative Bibliothéque Publique de Rouen, traduite de l'Anglais, avec des notes, par Thre. Licquet, Conservateur de cette Bibliothéque.
1821 £375.00
[DONIOL (Henri)]
Les Vitrines de l'Imprimerie Nationale a l'Exposition Universelle de 1889.
1889 £45.00
[FRENCH (Gilbert J.) Editor.]
Bibliographical Notices of the Church Libraries at Turton and Gorton, Bequeathed by Humphrey Chetham.
1855 £35.00
[GOODALL (Crispin)]
A Short History of the Book Jacket: Design, Function and Production.
1971 £45.00
[LIEBAERS (Herman)] Compiler.
Quinze Années d'Acquisitions de la pose de la Première Pierre à l'Inauguration Officielle de la Bibliothèque.
1969 £14.00
[O'CASEY (Ian V.) & MANEY (A.S.)]
The Nature and Making of Papyrus.
1972 £95.00
Bibliotheca Parisiana. A Catalogue of a Collection of Books, Formed by a Gentleman in France, not less Conspicuous for his Taste in Distinguishing, than for his Zeal in Acquiring, whatever, of this kind, was most Perfect, Curious, or Scarce. It includes... Books Magnificently Printed on Vellum, with Illuminated Paintings; Manuscripts on Vellum, Embellished with Rich Miniatures... They will be Sold by Auction, in London, on Monday the 26th of March, 1791, and the Five Days Following.
1791 £495.00
[TAYLOR (Arnold R.)] Compiler.
A Catalogue of the Icelandic Collection.
1978 £20.00
[THIN (James)
Reminiscences of Booksellers and Bookselling in Edinburgh in the Time of William IV. An Address Delivered To a Meeting of Booksellers' Assistants, in the Hall of the Protestant Institute, Edinburgh, October 1904.
1905 £75.00
[THOMPSON (Henry Yates)] Editor.
Facsimiles of Two "Histoires" by Jean Foucquet from Vols. I. and II. of the "Anciennetés des Juifs", Numbered Respectively 247 français in the National Library of France, and 101 in in the Supplemental Volume... of the Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts in the Collection of Henry Yates Thompson, to Which is Added a Notice with 2 Photogravures and Four Photographic Facsimiles (By Three-Colour Process) from Detached Pages of a Fifteenth-Century Manuscript of "Historie Ancienne jesqu'à Romains".
1903 £375.00
Historical Accounting Literature. A Catalogue of the Collection of Early Works on Book-keeping and Accounting in the Library of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Together with a Bibliography of Literature on the Subject Published before 1750 and not in the Institute Library.
1979 £40.00
Inventory of Sale Catalogues of Named and Attributed Owners of Books Sold by Retail or Auction 1676-1800. An Inventory of Sales in the British Isles, America, the United States, Canada, and India.
2010 £285.00
Catalogue of the Bewick Collection (Pease Bequest).
1904 £20.00
Katalog der Ornamentstich-sammlung der Staatlichen Kunstbibliothek Berlin.
1986 £45.00
Author Catalogue of Printed Books in European Languages in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
1934 £75.00
BAILEY (Isabel)
Pishey Thompson: Man of Two Worlds.
1991 £16.00
Bibliography: History of a Tradition. Translated from the Italian by William A. Pettas.
1990 £15.00
A Catalogue of the Library at Bamburgh Castle, in the County of Northumberland, divided into three alphabetical parts. I. English: II. Latin and other antient languages. III. French and other modern languages. With a table of references to each. Published by order of the trustees of the estates of the right honourable Nathaniel late Lord Crewe, and Lord Bishop of Durham.
1794 £1695.00
Eine Bayerische Malerschule des XI. und XII. Jahhunderts.
1923 £19.00
BARKER (Nicolas)
The Oxford University Press and the Spread of Learning 1478-1978: An Illustrated History.
1978 £18.00
Catalogue des Livres Français, Italiens, Espagnols, Etc., Tant Anciens que Modernes qui se Trouvent chez Barthés et Lowell, Successeurs de Bossange, Barthés & Lowell.
1843 £50.00
BARTLETT (Henrietta C.)
Catalogue of Early English Books, Chiefly of the Elizabethan Period. Collected by William Augustus White.
1926 £35.00
Catalogue of the Library at Belvoir Castle, the Seat of the Duke of Rutland.
1827 £1145.00
