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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
[ADAIR (James)]
Observations on the Power of Alienation in the Crown before the First of Queen Anne, Supported by precedents and The Opinions of many learned Judges. Together with some remarks on the conduct of administration respecting the case of the Duke of Portland.
1768 £35.00
[ANSTIE (John)]
A Letter addressed to Edward Phelips, Esq. Member for the County of Somerset; containing General Observations on the Advantages of Manufacturing the Combing Wool of England, which is Smuggled to France; and Cursory Remarks of the Evidence given by the Manufacturers to the Committee of the House of Commons: Also, a Refutation of the Argument adduced by the Author of the Annals of Agriculture, from an Official Paper of Mons. Calonne; to shew The Inconsiderable Quantity of British Wool imported into France. By the chairman of the Wool Meeting.
1788 £145.00
[BARNARD (Sir John)]
Considerations on the Proposal for Reducing the Interest of the National Debt.
1750 £65.00
[BENSON (William)]
A letter to Sir J- B--, by birth a Swede, but naturaliz'd, and a M--r of the present P---t: concerning the late Minehead doctrine, which was establish'd by a certain free parliament of Sweden, to the utter enslaving of that kingdom.
1711 £40.00
[BOLINGBROKE (Viscount Henry St John)]
A Letter to Sir William Windham. II. Some reflections on the present state of the nation. III. A letter to Mr. Pope. By the late Right Honorable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke.
1753 £125.00
[BOSANQUET (Charles)]
A Letter to W. Manning, Esq. M.P. on the Proposition Submitted to the Consideration of Government, for taking the Duties on Muscovado Sugar ad valorem.
1807 £225.00
[BURKE (Edmund)]
Observations on a Late State of the Nation.
1769 £75.00
[BURKE (Edmund)]
Observations on a Late State of the Nation.
1769 £85.00
[CATERET (J., Earl Granville?]
The State of the Nation for the Year 1747, and respecting 1748. Inscribed to a Member of the present Parliament.
1747 £65.00
[CHALMERS (George)] Compiler.
[Three related works bound in one] The Beauties of Fox, North, and Burke, selected from their speeches, from the passing of the Quebec Act, in the year 1774, down to the present time. With a copious index to the whole, and an address to the public. London: Printed for J. Stockdale, 1784. Second edition, viii, 92, [12]pp., with a half-title and a final advertisement leaf, engraved portrait frontispiece (lightly offset), early ownership signature of Addis Archer. [Bound with:] ----. The Deformities of Fox and Burke, Faithfully Selected from their Speeches. Together with authentic copies of the addresses presented to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, on the rejection of the East India Bill, introduced by Mr. Fox, and the Dismission of the late Administration from his Majesty's Councils. London: Printed for J. Stockdale, 1784. First and only edition, viii, 68pp., with half-title, engraved frontispiece (lightly offset). [Bound with:] [PROSPECTUS]. Beauties of Fox, North and Burke, this day is published, price 3s. 6d. Embellished with a beautiful frontispiece...
1784 £145.00
[COMBE (William)]
A Word in Season, to the Traders and Manufacturers of Great Britain.
1792 £95.00
[COURTENAY (Thomas Peregrine)]
A Plain Answer to the Misrepresentations and Calumnies contained in the Cursory Remarks of a Near Observer. By a more accurate observer.
1803 £38.00
[COWLEY (John J.)]
The Candidates Guide or the Electors Rights decided shewing the Determination of the Rights of Elections, by the Honble. the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament, in all Contraverted Elections for the Counties and Boroughs in South Britain, from the Year 1624 to 1730.... To which is added, the like Determinations in Contraverted Elections for North Britain, since the Union. With several Resolutions and Standing Orders relating to Elections,....... Together with the Heads of the Statutes now in Force concerning the same;... The whole digested into Alphabetical Order, with proper References and genuine Quotations. By J. C. Gent.
1735 £95.00
[CROMPTON (Richard)]
L'authoritie et jurisdiction des courts de la Maiestie de la Roygne: Nouelment collect & compose, per R. Crompton de milieu Temple Esquire. Apprentice del Ley. Si sueris Iudex,
1594 £995.00
[CURRIE (James)]
A Letter, Commercial and Political, addressed to the Rt. Honble. William Pitt: in which the real interests of Britain in the present crisis, are considered, and some observations are offered on the general State of Europe....... By Jaspar Wilson, Esq.
1793 £45.00
[CURRIE (James)]
A Letter, Commercial and Political, addressed to the Rt. Honble. William Pitt: in which the real interests of Britain in the present crisis, are considered, and some observations are offered on the general State of Europe....... By Jasper Wilson, Esq.
1793 £50.00
[DEFOE (Daniel)?]
A Letter from a Member of the House of Commons to his Friend in the Country, Relating to the Bill of Commerce. With a True Copy of the Bill, and an Exact List of all those who voted for and against Engrossing it.
1713 £195.00
[DOUGLAS (John)]
Seasonable Hints from an Honest Man on the present important crisis of a new Reign and a new Parliament.
1761 £45.00
[DUMBELL (John)]
A Letter to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. [A Letter relative to Weights and Measures].
1814 £75.00
[DUPIN (Baron Pierre Charles François)]
Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne, Entrepris Relativement aux Services Publics de la Guerre, de la Marine, et des Ponts et Chaussées, en 1816, 1817, 1818 et 1819.
1820 £1100.00
[EDWARDS (Dr George)]
A Certain Way to save our Country, and make us a More Happy and Flourishing People, than at any former period of our History.
1807 £50.00
[EVERETT (George)]
An Answer to Mr. Paschal's Letter to his Friend in the Countrey, Stating the Case of Mr. Parkhurst and himself, &c. Being a vindication of the House of Commons, against those Gentlemen Commissioners for Prizes...
1702 £375.00
[FITZWILLIAM (Charles William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 5th Earl)]
Address to the People Landowners of England, on the Corn Laws. By Viscount Milton.
1832 £50.00
[FOX (Charles James)]
The Speech of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, in the House of Commons, on the Irish resolutions, on Thursday, May 12, 1785. To which is added, an authentic copy of the resolutions, as originally proposed and now altered by Mr. Chancellor Pitt.
1785 £45.00
[GORDON (Thomas)]
An Appeal to the Unprejudiced, concerning the present Discontents occasioned by the late Convention with Spain.
1739 £60.00
