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Author Title Year Price
[GRANT (William)]
The Occasional Writer: containing an Answer to the Second Manifesto of the Pretender's Eldest Son: which bears Date at the Palace of Holyrood-house, the 10th Day of October, 1745. Containing Reflections, Political and Historical, upon the last Revolution, and the Progress of the present Rebellion in Scotland.
1745 £95.00
[GRENVILLE (Richard, Lord Temple)]
A Letter to His Grace the Duke of Grafton, on the present Situation of Public Affairs.
1768 £30.00
[GREY (Charles Grey Earl)]
Parliamentary Reform! A View of the Defective State of the Representation of the People, being the copy of a petition presented to the House of Commons by the Hon. Charles (now Earl) Grey, in 1793.
1817 £45.00
[HAREN (Onno Zwier van)]
The Sentiments of a Dutch patriot. Being the speech of Mr. V* H**n [Onno Zwier van Haren]. In an august Assembly on the present State of Affairs, and the Resolution necessary at this Juncture to be taken for the Safety of the Republic. Faithfully translated from the Dutch original.
1746 £110.00
[HERVEY (John), Baron]
Miscellaneous Thoughts on the present Posture both of our Foreign and Domestics Affairs. Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the Parliament and the People.
1742 £50.00
[HERVEY (John), Baron]
Miscellaneous Thoughts on the present Posture both of our Foreign and Domestics Affairs. Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the Parliament and the People.
1742 £45.00
[HOADLY (Benjamin)]
An Enquiry into the reasons of the Conduct of Great-Britain, With Relation to the Present State of Affairs in Europe.
1727 £38.00
[HOADLY (Benjamin)]
An Enquiry into the reasons of the Conduct of Great-Britain, With Relation to the Present State of Affairs in Europe.
1727 £45.00
[HUTCHINSON (John Hely)]
The Commercial Restraints of Ireland considered in a Series of Letters to a Noble Lord. Containing an Historical Account of the Affairs of that Kingdom, so far as they relate to this Subject.
1779 £95.00
[LANGLOIS (François, Fancan Canon St. Honore)]
The Favovrites Chronicle.
1621 £630.00
[LEVER (Ellis)]
The Railway and the Mine. Lever's Illustrated Year-Book 1861.
1860 £110.00
[LOVE (Benjamin)]
Manchester as it is: or, notices of the Institutions, Manufactures, Commerce, Railways, etc. of the Metropolis of Manufactures: Interspersed with Much Valuable Information Useful for the Resident and Stranger.
1839 £65.00
[LYTTELTON (George Lyttelton, Baron)]
Considerations upon the present State of our Affairs, at Home and Abroad in a Letter to a Member of Parliament from a Friend in the Country.
1739 £35.00
[LYTTELTON (George Lyttelton, Baron)]
Considerations upon the present State of our Affairs, at Home and Abroad in a Letter to a Member of Parliament from a Friend in the Country.
1739 £35.00
[MacAULAY (Alexander)]
Property Inviolable: or, some Remarks upon a Pamphlet entituled, Prescription Sacred [which states that the clergy of Ireland have no legal right to the tithe of agistment].
1736 £85.00
[MacAULAY (Alexander)]
Property Inviolable: or, some Remarks upon a Pamphlet entituled, Prescription Sacred [which states that the clergy of Ireland have no legal right to the tithe of agistment].
1736 £125.00
A Woollen Draper's Letter on the French Treaty, to his Friends and Fellow Tradesmen all over England.
1786 £85.00
[MACONOCHIE (Allan) Lord Meadowbank]
Directions for preparing Manure from Peat [and] Instructions for Foresters.
1815 £95.00
L'Esprit de la présente guerre. Discours de M. de G. dans la Chambre des C. pour et contre les deux opinions dominantes dans le Parlement de la Grande-Bretagne, en faveur du commerce et de la paix.
1758 £65.00
[MAXWELL (Henry)]
Anguis in Herba: or the Fatal Consequences of a Treaty with France. Wherein it is prov'd, That the Principles whereby the French King governs himself, will not allow him to observe any Treaty longer than it is for his Interest to break it. That he has always aim'd at the Union of the Crowns of France and Spain since the Pyrenæan Treaty. That notwithstanding his Pretences to the contrary, such is his Design at this Day. And, that nothing can prevent it but to reduce his Power to such a Degree, as may perfectly break his Measures.
1711 £65.00
[McDOWALL (Andrew, Lord Bankton)]
Two Orders of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, made the fifth of August last, requiring the Lords of the Session in Scotland to lay before their Lordships, at the beginning of this Session of Parliament, Matters relating to Heretable Jurisdictions and Heretable Sheriff-ships, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland. Together with the Returns made by the said Lords of Session, Parsuant to the said Two Orders.
1747 £95.00
[PITT (William Earl of Chatham)]
A Second Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of B***. By Author of the First.
1761 £50.00
[PLATTES (Gabriel)]
A Discovery of Infinite Treasure, Hidden since the Worlds Beginning. Whereunto all men, of what degree soever, are friendly invited to be sharers with the Discoverer, G. P.
1639 £3995.00
[PORTLAND (William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke)]
The Case of His Grace the Duke of Portland. Respecting two leases, lately granted by the Lords of the Treasury, to Sir James Lowther, Bart. With observations on the motion for a remedial bill, for quieting the possession of the subject. London: Printed for J. Almon, 1768. Seventh edition, small 8vo, [2], 5-53, [1], 4pp., without half-title. [Bound with:] [ADAIR (James)] Observations on the Power of Alienation in the Crown before the First of Queen Anne, Supported by Precedents and The Opinions of many learned Judges. Together with some remarks on the conduct of administration respecting the case of the Duke of Portland.
1768 £48.00
[PORTLAND (William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke)]
The Case of His Grace the Duke of Portland. Respecting two leases, lately granted by the Lords of the Treasury, to Sir James Lowther, Bart. With observations on the motion for a remedial bill, for quieting the possession of the subject.
1768 £30.00

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