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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 395 results
  • Page 1 of 16

Author Title Year Price
[BARBER (G.) and Others]
Fine Bindings 1500-1700 from Oxford Libraries.
1968 £25.00
[COLLIJN (Isak)]
Ett urval av 1400-Och 1500-Talstryck samt Konstnärliga Bokband ur Thore Virgins Samling på Qvarnfors.
1946 £20.00
[CULOT (Paul)]
Exposition organisée a l'occasion de la visite des membres du Grolier Club de New-York au Musée de Mariemont le 28 mai 1967.
1967 £14.00
Little Gidding Bindings. [Extracted from 'The Bibliographica', Part VI, 1896.]
1896 £20.00
English Bookbindings. [Article extracted from 'The Portfolio.']
1898 £30.00
[Gayot de Pitanal]
Causes Celebres et Interessantes avec les Jugemens qui les ont decidees.
1738 £195.00
[LINDBERG (Sten G.)]
Kungliga Bokband c. 1490-1962.
1962 £15.00
[NIXON (Howard M.)]
Bookbindings from the Library of Jean Grolier. A Loan Exhibition.
1965 £20.00
[NIXON (Howard M.)]
Modern British and French Bookbindings from the Collection of J.R. Abbey.
1965 £8.00
Gold-Tooled Bookbindings.
1951 £6.00
Gold-Tooled Bookbindings.
1951 £8.00
[TOURNEUR (Victor) & GASPAR (Camille)] Editors.
Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique. Exposition de Reliures. I. Du XIIe Siecle a la fin du XVIe. II. Du XVIIe Siecle a la fin du XIXe.
1930 £35.00
ABBEY (Major J. R.)
An Exhibition of Modern English and French Bindings from the Collection of Major J.R. Abbey.
1949 £6.00
ABBEY (Major J.R.)
An Exhibition of Modern English and French Bindings from the Collection of Major J.R. Abbey.
1949 £6.00
ABBEY (Major J.R.)
An Exhibition of Modern English and French Bindings from the Collection of Major J.R. Abbey.
1949 £6.00
ABBEY (Major J.R.)
An Exhibition of Modern English and French Bindings from the Collection of Major J.R. Abbey.
1949 £6.00
ABBEY (Major J.R.)
Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books and Fine Bindings from the Collection of...
1965 £165.00
ADAM (Paul)
Die Kunst des Handvergoldens, der Blinddruck und die Lederauflage.
1928 £55.00
ANDREWS (William Loring)
Bibliopegy in the United States and Kindred Subjects.
1902 £245.00
ANDREWS (William Loring)
Bibliopegy in the United States and Kindred Subjects.
1902 £245.00
ARNIM (Manfred von) Editor.
Europäische Einbandkunst aus Sechs Jahrhunderten, Beispiele aus der Bibliothek Otto Schäfer. Edited by Manfred von Arnim.
1992 £75.00
ARNOLD (Edward)
Catalogue of the Valuable Library Largely of French Literature in Handsome Bindings, Formed by the late Edward Arnold, Esq. of The Grove, Dorking.
1929 £25.00
ATABEY (Sefik E.)
The Ottoman World. A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Ottoman Empire and Levant, by Leonora Navari.
1999 £450.00
BÉLINAC (Albert)
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de feu Mr Albert Bélinac. Membre de Sociétes de Bibliophiles Industriel Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur. Première Partie: Très Beaux Livres Modernes Recouverts de Supernes Reliures d'Art. Examplaires uniques enrichis d'Aquarelles originales. Seconde Partie: Livres a Figures de XVIIIe Siècle Éditions Originales Éditions de Luxe. André Desvouges, Commissaire-Priseur.
1909 £45.00
BALL (Douglas)
Victorian Publisher's Bindings.
1985 £26.00
