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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 188 results
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Author Title Year Price
[ALLARDICE (Robert Barclay)]
Agricultural Tour in the United States and Upper Canada, with miscellaneous notices. By Captain Barclay of Ury.
1842 £85.00
[BURKE (John French)]
Cottage Economy and Cookery, from Essays Submitted to the Royal English Agricultural Society.
1843 £35.00
[CURWEN (John Christian)]
The President's Report to the Workington Agricultural Society. 1819. The Prosperity and Security of Great Britain.
1820 £95.00
Curiosities of Nature and Art in Husbandry and Gardening. Containing several new experiments in the Improvement of Land, Trees, Fruits, &c. And also nice and useful Observations relating to the Vegetation and Propagation of Plants; with choice Secrets to make Plants, Flowers and Fruits larger, more beautiful, and to ripen earlier than usual. With several copper cuts.
1707 £275.00
[MACONOCHIE (Allan) Lord Meadowbank]
Directions for preparing Manure from Peat [and] Instructions for Foresters.
1815 £95.00
[PLATTES (Gabriel)]
A Discovery of Infinite Treasure, Hidden since the Worlds Beginning. Whereunto all men, of what degree soever, are friendly invited to be sharers with the Discoverer, G. P.
1639 £3995.00
[SALISBURY (William)]
A Catalogue of the Brompton Botanic Garden, being a List of such Plants as are cultivated therein. To which is added, a List of the Subscribers. Part I. containing hardy Plants. [all published].
1803 £495.00
[SINCLAIR (Sir John)]
Hints Respecting the Culture and the use of Potatoes.
1795 £325.00
[SOMERVILLE (John Southey Somerville, Baron)]
Facts and Observations Relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen: in which the importance of improving the short-wooled breeds of sheep, by a mixture of the merino blood, is demonstrated from actual practice: Together with some remarks on the advantages which have been derived to the author's flock from the use of salt / by John, Lord Somerville.
1809 £225.00
[SOMERVILLE (John Southey Somerville, Baron)]
Facts and Observations Relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen: in which the importance of improving the short-wooled breeds of sheep, by a mixture of the merino blood, is demonstrated from actual practice: Together with some remarks on the advantages which have been derived to the author's flock from the use of salt / by John, Lord Somerville.
1809 £225.00
[WEBBER (Samuel)]
A Short Account of the State of our Woollen Manufacturies, from the Peace of Ryswick to this Time. Shewing, their Former Flourishing, and their Present Ruinous Condition; and that they always flourished when France could not get our Wool, but declined in Proportion to the Quantities of Wool Exported to them. To which is added an Effectual Scheme to prevent the Exportation of our Wool, by an Universal Registry.
1739 £125.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
The Farmer's Letters to the People of England: containing the sentiments of a practical husbandman, on various subjects of great Importance: Particularly The Exportation of Corn. The Balance of Agriculture and Manufactures. The present State of Husbandry. The Circumstances attending large and small Farms The present state of the Poor. The Prices of Provisions. The Proceedings of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. The Importance of Timber and Planting. Emigrations to the Colonies. The Means of promoting the Agriculture and Population of Great-Britain, &c. To which are added, Sylv?: or, occasional tracts on husbandry and rural oeconomics.
1768 £175.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
General View of the Agriculture of Hertfordshire. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal improvement.
1804 £110.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Lincoln; Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1808 £125.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Suffolk; Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1804 £145.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
View of the Agriculture of Oxfordshire. Drawn up for the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1809 £145.00
The Aberdeen Farmer's Pocket Companion: or, a New Prognostication, Improved and Enlarged. For the Year of our Lord 1799 [1800; 1801; 1802; 1806; 1808]; Being the third after Leap-Year. Containing, A Chronological Table of remarkable events—Vulgar notes—Feasts and Fasts—Eclipses—Rising and setting of the sun—Length of the days and nights—Age and changes of the moon—Disposition of the weather—The whole known Fairs in Scotland—Royal Navy of Great Britain—Royal Family.
1799 £575.00
Catalogue of the Walter Frank Perkins Agricultural Library.
1961 £20.00
Catalogue of the Walter Frank Perkins Agricultural Library.
1961 £38.00
A Dissertation on the Nature of Soils, and the Properties of Manure: to which is added, the Method of making a Universal Compost, to supply the place of Dung, where that useful and necessary article cannot be obtained: the whole forming a body of intelligence calculated to establish facts that may be applied for the benefit of Mankind. London: Sold by Ridgway. 1828. First Edition, vii,[v],141,[1]pp., possibly lacking half-title, small ink splash to title, disbound. [Sold with:] An Appendix to the Dissertation on the Nature of Soils... This appendix forms a synopsis of the science of agriculture, practically delineated; pointing out the necessary things to be taken into consideration in the management of a farm.
1830 £125.00
Dissertation on the Nature of Soils, and the Properties of Manure: to which is added, the Method of making a Universal Compost, to supply the place of Dung, where that useful and necessary article cannot be obtained: the whole forming a body of intelligence calculated to establish facts that may be applied for the benefit of Mankind, with a Synopsis of the Science of Agriculture, practically delineated; poiunting out the necessary things to be taked into consideration in the Management of a Farm.
1833 £95.00
Rothamsted Experimental Station Library. Catalogue of the Printed Books on Agriculture Published Between 1471 and 1840. With Notes on the Authors by Mary S. Aslin.
2002 £35.00
Rothamsted Experimental Station Library. Catalogue of the Printed Books on Agriculture Published Between 1471 and 1840. With Notes on the Authors by Mary S. Aslin.
1926 £45.00
AINSLE (Robert)
Memoir on the Fiorin Grass. With a prefatory letter on the subject from William Douglas esq. of Almorness, Advocate, addressed to the conductor of the Farmer's Magazine, as published in that Magazine of March 1812.
1812 £65.00
AITON (William Townsend)
A Treatise on Labouring, Manuring, and Cropping, of Moss-Earth; with Directions for converting it into Manure. Published under the Patronage of the Highland Society.
1809 £145.00
