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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 154 results
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Author Title Year Price
[BLOOD (Thomas)]
Remarks on the Life and Death of the Fam'd Mr. Blood: giving an account of his plot in Ireland, to surprise Dublin castle; several transactions in his head-quarters in the city; rescue of Captain Mason at Doncaster; attempt on the person of His Grace the Duke of Ormond; seizing on the crown and scepter in the Tower; coming into favour with his prince; concern about His Grace the Duke of Buckingham; sickness, death, and twice internment.
1817 £75.00
[BRETT (John)]
An Answer to a late Pamphlet, Intituled, A Free and Candid Inquiry, Addressed to the Representatives, &c. of this Kingdom.
1753 £110.00
[BRETT (John)]
A Free and Candid Inquiry humbly addressed to the Representatives of the Several Counties and Boroughs in this Kingdom: And proper at this Time to be read by their Several Electors. In a Letter to a Person of Distinction in the North from a Gentleman in Town.
1753 £125.00
[BRODICK (Alan)]
The Speaker. A Poem Inscrib'd to Alan Brodrick, Esq; Speaker to the Honourable House of Commons, Met at Dublin, November the 25th, 1713. Before his Grace the Duke of Shrewsbury.
1713 £495.00
[Caroline, Queen Consort of George IV, King of Great Britain and Ireland]
Journal of an English Traveller or Memoirs and Anecdotes of an Illustrious Personage: and of Her Court, Correspondence with the Earl of Liverpool, Mr. Whitbread, &c.
1820 £25.00
[CROCKER (John Wilson)]
The Battles of Talavera. A Poem.
1809 £295.00
[CROCKER (John Wilson)]
The Battles of Talavera. A Poem.
1809 £110.00
[CROCKER (John Wilson)]
A Sketch of the State of Ireland, Past and Present.
1808 £75.00
[CROKER (John Wilson)?]
A Short Letter from Quang-Tcheu. Translated by another Hand.
1805 £225.00
[FOSTER (Sir Michael)]
A Report of Some Proceedings on the Commission of Oyer and Terminer and Goal Delivery for the Trial of the Rebels in the Year 1746, in the County of Surry, and of Other Crown Cases, to Which Are Added, Discourses Upon a Few Branches of the Crown Law.
1763 £145.00
[FOX (Charles James)]
The Speech of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, in the House of Commons, on the Irish resolutions, on Thursday, May 12, 1785. To which is added, an authentic copy of the resolutions, as originally proposed and now altered by Mr. Chancellor Pitt.
1785 £45.00
[Guernsey, Countess of, pseud.]
Genuine Edition of the Death-Bed Confessions of the late Countess of Guernsey, to Lady Ann H****** : developing a series of mysterious transactions connected with the most illustrious personages in the kingdom. To which are added, the Q----'s last letter to the K----, written a few days before her M----'s death.
1823 £35.00
[HAREN (Onno Zwier van)]
The Sentiments of a Dutch patriot. Being the speech of Mr. V* H**n [Onno Zwier van Haren]. In an august Assembly on the present State of Affairs, and the Resolution necessary at this Juncture to be taken for the Safety of the Republic. Faithfully translated from the Dutch original.
1746 £110.00
[HOY (Henry)]
Historical Collections Relative to the Town of Belfast: from the Earliest Period to the Union with Great Britain.
1817 £325.00
[HUTCHINSON (John Hely)]
The Commercial Restraints of Ireland considered in a Series of Letters to a Noble Lord. Containing an Historical Account of the Affairs of that Kingdom, so far as they relate to this Subject.
1779 £95.00
[KAVANAGH (James W.)]
Mixed Education. The catholic case stated: or principles, working, and results of the system of national education; with suggestions for the settlement of the education question. Most respectfully dedicated to the Catholic Archbishops and Bishops of Ireland. By a catholic layman.
1859 £65.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Black Giles, The Poacher; With some Account of a Family who had rather live by their Wits than their Work. In Two Parts. Part I [-II]. To which is added, The Hampshire Tragedy, a true Story.
1800 £95.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Fist [-Second] Part of the Shepherd of Salisbury Plain.
1800 £85.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The Good Mother's Legacy.
1800 £45.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The History of Hester Wilmot; or the New Gown.
1800 £45.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Parley the Porter, An Allegory. Shewing how Robbers without can never get into an House unless there are traitors within.
1800 £45.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The Ship-Wreck, to which is added the Execution of Wild Robert.
1800 £65.00
[SHERLOCK (Hester)?]
A Second Letter to a Gentleman of the Long Robe in Great Britain; wherein some of the late Illegal Proceedings of the Barons of the Exchequer, in the Kingdom of Ireland, are Plainly and impartially set forth.
1720 £120.00
[SHERLOCK (Thomas)]
A Letter from the Lord Bishop of London, to the Clergy and People of London and Westminster; on Occasion of the Late Earthquakes.
1750 £85.00
[STANNARD (Eaton)]
The Honest Man's Speech.
1749 £85.00
