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Author Title Year Price
[BIRAC (Sieur de), LAMONT (M. de) & VALIERO (Chevalier de la)
The New Art of War. Containing I. The duties of officers of horse and foot. II. the Duties of a Soldier in general, from a private Sentinel to a Commander in Chief. III. The practice of war by all great generals; As the Order of Marching, Counter-Marching, and Incamping, with proper Distances, as Intervals and Streets, for Horse and Foot; the Plan or Method of drawing up an Army in Line of Battle; of Attacking and Defending Lines of Circumvallation; of pasting Rivers over Bridges of Pontons, and Entrenching an Army on the other Side; the Manner of Besieging and Defending fortified Places; the Method of Surprising Garrisons and Armies, and of Beating up Quarters. To which are added (never published before,) IV. The manner of drawing up a regiment, and Posting Officers, with Orders to be observ'd in Camps and Garrisons. V. The Exercise of the Foot, with the Number of Motions to be performed at each Word of Command, and an Explanation of them. VI. The Method of Forming and Reducing the Hollow Square. Vii. The Exercise of the Horse and Dragoons as now practised. Viii. The Rules and Orders of his late Majesty King William, when Prince of Orange, to be observed by all Guards and Garrisons. IX. Lastly, an abridgement of the articles of war now in Force. The whole illustrated with several Copper Cuts.
1726 £795.00
[CHESTERFIELD (Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of)]
A vindication of a late pamphlet, intitled, The case of the Hanover troops considered: with some further observations upon those troops; being a sequel to the said pamphlet.
1743 £35.00
[COLLYER (James N.) & INNES (John)]
An Historical Record of the Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westminster; with the Muster Rolls from the First Formation of the Regiment, MDCCLXXIX, to the Relodgement of the Standards in the Tower, MDCCCXXIX.
1843 £75.00
[CONWAY ( Henry Seymour)]
The Military Arguments, in the Letter to a Right Honourable Author, Fully Considered, by an Officer.
1758 £45.00
[CONWAY ( Henry Seymour)]
The Officer's Answer to the Country Gentleman's Reply.
1758 £65.00
[CONWAY (Henry Seymour), General]
The Military Arguments, in the Letter to a Right Honourable Author, fully considered.
1758 £65.00
[CROCKER (John Wilson)]
The Battles of Talavera. A Poem.
1809 £110.00
[CROCKER (John Wilson)]
The Battles of Talavera. A Poem.
1809 £295.00
[DOUGLAS (John)]
The Conduct of a Noble Lord Scrutinized. By a volunteer who was near his Person from the 28th of July, to the 2d of August, 1759.
1759 £45.00
[DUPIN (Baron Pierre Charles François)]
Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne, Entrepris Relativement aux Services Publics de la Guerre, de la Marine, et des Ponts et Chaussées, en 1816, 1817, 1818 et 1819.
1820 £1100.00
[FOX (Henry, 1st Baron Holland)]
Candid Reflections on the Report (as Published by Authority) of the General-Officers, appointed by his Majesty's Warrant of the First of November last, to enquire into the causes of the failure of the late expedition to the coasts of France. In a letter to a friend in the country.
1758 £85.00
Secret Strategical Instructions, of Frederic the Second, for his Inspectors General. Translated from the German, by Captain C. H. Smith.
1811 £645.00
[GALLOWAY (Honorary Colonel Thomas L.)]
The Queen's Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry 1848 to 1948.
1948 £75.00
The Annals of the Twelfth East Suffolk Regiment. By C. H. G.
1908 £40.00
[HARDWICKE (Philip Yorke, Earl of)]
Two Speeches of a Late Lord Chancellor. Printed from an Authentic Copy.
1770 £75.00
[MAUDUIT (Israel)]
Considerations on the Present German War.
1761 £30.00
[MAUDUIT (Israel)]
Occasional Thoughts on the Present German War.
1761 £45.00
[O'BRYEN (Denis)]
Remarks upon the Report of a Peace, in consequence of Mr. Secretary Townshend's Letter to the Lord Mayor of London, Bank Diectors, &c. By the Author of the Defence of the Earl of Shelburne.
1783 £45.00
[POTTER (Thomas)]
The Expedition Against Rochefort Fully Stated and Considered. In a Letter to the Right Honourable the Author of the Candid Reflections on the Report of the General Officers &c.
1758 £110.00
[POTTER (Thomas)]
The Reply of the Country Gentleman to the Answer of his Military Arguments, by the Officer.
1758 £45.00
[POTTER (Thomas)]
The Reply of the Country Gentleman to the Answer of his Military Arguments, By the Officer.
1758 £30.00
[RENNELL (James)]
War with France. The only Security of Britain, at the Present Momentous Crisis: Set forth in an earnest address to his fellow-subjects, by an old Englishman.
1794 £75.00
[RUFFHEAD (Owen)] Sometimes attributed to.
Farther animadversions on the conduct of a late noble commander, at the battle of Thonhausen. In reply to a pamphlet, intitled, An answer to a letter to a late noble commander, &c. To which is annexed an answer to a pamphlet, intitled, "colonel Fitzroy's letter considered, so far as it relates to the Author of the Letters," &c. By the author of the two letters to a late noble commander.
1759 £65.00
[SACKVILLE (Charles), Duke of Dorset]
A Treatise concerning the Militia, in Four Sections. 1. Of the Militia in General. 11. Of the Roman Militia. 111. The Proper Plan of a Militia, for this Country. 1V. Observations upon this Plan. By C. S.
1752 £125.00
[SACKVILLE (Lord George)]
The Conduct of a Late Noble Commander, candidly considered. With a view to expose the Misrepresentations of the Anonymous Author of the Two Letters Addressed to His L-p; To place the Controversy on a Foundation supported by Facts; to state the Difficulties, which obstruct a public Inquiry; and to propose a Method of removing Them.
1760 £50.00
