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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
[BERNERS (Dame Juliana)]
The Gentlemans Academie. Or, The Booke of S. Albans: containing three most exact and excellent bookes: the first of hawking, the second of all the proper termes of hunting, and the last of armorie: all compiled by Iuliana Barnes, in the yere from the incarnation of Chris 1486. And now reduced into a better method, by G. M. [i.e., Gervase Markham].
1595 £14995.00
[BREUGELMANS (R.)] Editor.
Leiden Imprints 1483-1600 in Leiden University Library and Bibliotheca Thysiana: A short-title catalogue.
1974 £30.00
[CLARKE (William)]
Repertorium Bibliographicum; or, Some Account of the Most Celebrated British Libraries.
1819 £295.00
[CLARKE (William)]
Repertorium Bibliographicum; or, Some Account of the Most Celebrated British Libraries. London: William Clarke, 1819. First edition, xlviii, [2], 138, 133*-138*, 139-454, 449*-454*, 455-672, [2]pp., engraved frontispiece and 9 engraved portraits (foxed and offset, the portrait of Towneley is inserted and stands proud), small ink splash to title, 2 woodcuts in the text. [Bound with:] A Dialogue in the Shades; between William Caxton, a Bibliomaniac, and William Wynken, Clerk. Rare Doings at Roxburghe Hall. A Ballad. The Diary of Roger Payne, with a Lithographic sketch on the Monument to be Erected to his memory by the Bibliographical Club.
1821 £1245.00
[CROMPTON (Richard)]
L'authoritie et jurisdiction des courts de la Maiestie de la Roygne: Nouelment collect & compose, per R. Crompton de milieu Temple Esquire. Apprentice del Ley. Si sueris Iudex,
1594 £995.00
[DONIOL (Henri)]
Les Vitrines de l'Imprimerie Nationale a l'Exposition Universelle de 1889.
1889 £45.00
[DOSSIE (Robert)]
The Handmaid to the Arts, Vol. the First. Teaching, I. A perfect knowledge of the Materia Pictoria, or, the nature, use, preparation, and composition of all the various substances employed in painting, as well vehicles, dryers, &c...
1764 £495.00
[FOSTER (Sir Michael)]
A Report of Some Proceedings on the Commission of Oyer and Terminer and Goal Delivery for the Trial of the Rebels in the Year 1746, in the County of Surry, and of Other Crown Cases, to Which Are Added, Discourses Upon a Few Branches of the Crown Law.
1763 £145.00
[LANGLAND (William)]
Pierce the Ploughman's Crede.
1814 £195.00
[LANGLOIS (François, Fancan Canon St. Honore)]
The Favovrites Chronicle.
1621 £630.00
[MARKHAM (Gervase)]
The Art of Archerie. Shewing how it is most necessary in these times for this kingdome, both in Peace and War, and how it may be done without charge to the Country, trouble to the People, or any hinderance to necessary Occasions. Also, of the Discipline, the Postures, an whatsoever else is necessarie for the attayning to the Art.
1634 £3445.00
[MATHEWS (T. T.), Compiler.
Fihiran hiderana an' Andfriamanitra [Hymns of praise to God]. Voalahatra araka ny heviny sy ny fotoana mahamety azy avy.
1898 £245.00
Notes of a Trip to Belgium, in 1866, by a Bridgnorth Volunteer. Printed for Private Circulation.
1867 £25.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Black Giles, The Poacher; With some Account of a Family who had rather live by their Wits than their Work. In Two Parts. Part I [-II]. To which is added, The Hampshire Tragedy, a true Story.
1800 £95.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Fist [-Second] Part of the Shepherd of Salisbury Plain.
1800 £85.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The Good Mother's Legacy.
1800 £45.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The History of Hester Wilmot; or the New Gown.
1800 £45.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
Parley the Porter, An Allegory. Shewing how Robbers without can never get into an House unless there are traitors within.
1800 £45.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The Ship-Wreck, to which is added the Execution of Wild Robert.
1800 £65.00
[SAINT GERMAN (Christopher)]
The Dialogue in English, betweene a Doctor of Divinity, and a Student in the Lawes of England. [with the second Dialogue].
1604 £750.00
[SCOTT (Thomas)]
The substance of a public discussion between Mr. Carlile, and a Dissenting Minister : occasioned by some remarks made by Mr. Carlile, in his lecture on theology, delivered at the Free Mason's Arms, Norwich, April 23rd, 1834.
1834 £25.00
[STAVELEY (Christopher)]
River Welland Outfall and Drainage. Report of Mr. Staveley, junior. Against the Intended Bill.
1794 £110.00
[WATKINS (John)]
Memoir of Chambers, the Marine Artist.
1887 £35.00
[WILLIAMS (George A.)]
Three Tracts by a Gloucestershire Country Gentleman.
1823 £95.00
[YATES (William)]
The Book of Genesis and part of Exodus in Bengali. Translated from the Hebrew by the Calcutta Baptist Missionaries.
1842 £110.00
