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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
[DOSSIE (Robert)]
The Handmaid to the Arts, Vol. the First. Teaching, I. A perfect knowledge of the Materia Pictoria, or, the nature, use, preparation, and composition of all the various substances employed in painting, as well vehicles, dryers, &c...
1764 £495.00
[DUPIN (Baron Pierre Charles François)]
Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne, Entrepris Relativement aux Services Publics de la Guerre, de la Marine, et des Ponts et Chaussées, en 1816, 1817, 1818 et 1819.
1820 £1100.00
[JENNER (Thomas)]
Albert Durer Revived: Or, a Book of Drawing, Limning, Washing, or Colouring of Maps and Prints: and the art of painting, with the names and mixtures of colours used by the picture-drawers. With directions how to lay and paint pictures upon glass. Or, The young-man's time well spent. In which he hath the ground-work to make him fit for doing any thing by hand, when he is able to draw well. By the use of this work, you may draw all parts of a man,... And directions for birds, beasts, landskps, ships, and the like. Moreover, grounds to lay silver or gold upon,... and how to varnish it when you have done. How also to diaper and shadow things, and to heighten them to stand off; to deepen them, and make them glister. In this book you have the necessary instruments for drawing, and the use of them, and how to make artificial pastiles to draw withal. and also directions how to draw with Indian-ink: wherein you have also Mr. Hollar's receipt for etching, with instructions how to use it. Very useful for all handicrafts, and ingenious gentlemen and youths. By Hammer and hand all arts do stand.
1679 £2750.00
[MAXWELL (John)]
An Essay upon Tune. Being an attempt to free the Scale of Music, and the Tune of Instruments, from Imperfection.
1781 £1195.00
[PIERSON (Christoffel)]
Explanation, of the famous and renowned glas-work. Or painted windows, in the fine and eminent Church at Gouda. For the use and commodity of both Inhabitants, and Foreigners that come to see this artificial Work.
1718 £745.00
[THOMAS (Joseph)]
Railroad Guide, from London to Birmingham. Containing Picturesque, Historical, Legendary, and Statistical Sketches of its Vicinity.
1839 £225.00
ACCUM (Fredrick)
A Practical Treatise on Gas-Light: exhibiting a summary description of the Apparatus and Machinery best calculated for Illuminating Streets, Houses, and Manufactories, with Carburetted Hydrogen, or Coal=Gas: with Remarks on the Utility, Safety, and general Nature of this new ranch of Civil Economy.
1815 £795.00
A Key to the Analytical Table of Mechanical Movements.
1830 £25.00
BANKS (John)
A Treatise on Mills, in Four Parts. Part First, On Circular Motion. Part Second, On the Maximum of Moving Bodies, Machines, Engines, &c. Part Third, On the Velocity of effluent Water. Part Fourth, Experiments on Circular Motion, Water-Wheels, &c.
1795 £395.00
BARRON (William)
An Essay of the Mechanical Principles of the Plough.
1774 £175.00
A Plan for obtaining an Act of Parliament for the better Draining the North-Level, Part of the Great Level of the Fens, called Bedford-Level, in the Isle of Ely, and Counties of Cambridge, Huntington, Northampton, and Lincoln, &c.
1753 £75.00
Remarks upon that Part of the Great Bedford Level, called the North Level; in which the Causes of its First Drowning, and of its present ruinous Condition, are considered; with some Proposals for the better Draining the said Level. First published in 1748; and now Corrected, and Published, for the perusal of the Publick, as there is a Bill depending in Parliament for the better Draining of the North Level, with Porsand.
1754 £75.00
BLACK (James)
Observations on the Tillage of the Earth, and on the Theory of Instruments Adapted to this End.
1787 £675.00
BOFFITO (Giuseppe)
Biblioteca Aeronautica Italiana. Precede uno studio sull'aeronautica nella letteratura nell'arte e nel folklore/ [With:] Primo Supplemento Decennale.
1929 £495.00
The Bookbinder: An Illustrated Journal for Binders, Librarians, and all Lovers of Books. [The British Bookmaker...]
1888 £795.00
Der in aller heut zu Tag ublichen Arbeit wohl anweisende accurate Buchbinder und Futtermacher: welcher lehret... wie nicht nur ein buch auf das netteste zu verfertigen, sondern auch wie solches seine gebührende dauer halt... uberdies zeiget, wie alle farben auf leder und pergament anzusetzen... Alles aufrichtig versehen / durch Christoph Ernst Prediger, buchbinder in Anspach. Kommentar von Adolf Rhein, Albert Haemmerle, Heinz Peterssen uber das Leben un Wirken des Christoph Ernst Prediger.
1741 £1850.00
BOULTON (Matthew Piers Watt)
Specification of Matthew Piers Watt Boulton. Propelling Vessels. Letters Patent to Matthew Piers Watt Boulton of Tew Park, Oxfordshire, Esquire, for the Invention of "Improvements in Propulsion, and in Rotary Apparatus for Giving Motion or Energy to Fluids and Receiving Motion or Energy from Them."
1867 £65.00
BOULTON (Matthew Piers Watt)
Specification of Matthew Piers Watt Boulton. Turbines or Propellers.
1867 £95.00
BOWNAS (Samuel)
A Description of the Qualifications necessary to a Gospel Minister, containing Advice to Ministers and Elders, how to conduct themselves in their Conversations, and various Services, according to their Gifts in the Church of Christ.
1750 £110.00
Recherches sur le Mouvement des Ondes.
1809 £195.00
BUDGE (John)
The Practical Miner's Guide; The Practical Miner's Guide: comprising a set of Trigonometrical Tables, adapted to all the purposes of oblique or diagonal, vertical, horizontal and traverse Dialling, with their application to the dial exercise of shafts, adits, drifts, lodes, slides, levelling, inaccessible distances, heights, &c. Also a Treatise on the Art and Practice of assaying Silver, Copper, Lead, and Tin, with tables which exhibit at one view the value of assayed ores: Rules for calculating the power of Steam and Water Engines: a discourse on the Quality, Manufacture, and choice of cordage for Mine Service; together with a collection of essential Tables, Rules, and Illustrations, exclusively applicable to Mining Business. The whole introduced and exemplified in the most plain and practical manner.
1825 £295.00
The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine for the Drawing Room, the Studio, the Office, the Workshop, and the Cottage. 3 vols., 1843-45. [Continued under the title:] The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Journal, for the Architect, Engineer, Operative, and Artist. 22 vols., 1846-67. [Continued under the title:] The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine [later, a Journal] for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Contractor, Sanitary Reformer, and Art-Lover. 52 vols., 1868-1899. [Continued in two vols., per annum from 1880].
1843 £9775.00
CHAMBERS (Ephraim)
[Cyclopaedia: or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences...]
1788 £650.00
CHAPMAN (William) and JESSOP (William)
Report on the measures to be attained to in the Survey of a Line of Navigation, from Newcastle upon Tyne to the Irish Chancel. Published by Order of the Northumberland Committee of Subscribers to the Survey. To which are added, all the Reports subsequent to the Survey, and the estimates of Messrs Jessop and Chapman. [and] Second Part of the Proposed Navigation between the East and West Seas, viz. from Haydon-Bridge to Maryport. With Observations on Lines to Penrith, Sandsfield, Ravensbank, Bowness, Wigton. [and] Third and last Part of a Report on the Proposed Navigation between the East and West Seas, (viz.) on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Carrying the Navigation on the South Side of the River Tyne, in the different Courses that it is capable of. [and] Report of the Proposed Line of Navigation between Newcastle and Maryport,.... with Abstracts of the estimates of this line, and also of that from Stella to Hexham. [and] Mr. Chapman's Postscript to Mr. Jessop's Report.
1795 £495.00
The Railway Question. Practical Suggestions for a Fundamental Reform of the Railway System, on a Principle Combining National Benefits with the Permanent Interests of Shareholders. By Civis.
1856 £50.00
